~•♡chapter 27♡•~

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Alot of gender stuffs, Dominic isnt feeling so great
Remrom(of course)
I think that's it, but tell me if I need to add any more

The next morning, when Dominic woke up, he really didn't want to get up. He laid in bed for as long as he could.

He didnt have the energy or want to get up. A soft knock came after about an hour of him just laying there.
"Come in," he called softly. Patton opened the door a bit.
"Hey, hon. Breakfast is ready if you want to come eat with us,"
"No thanks..." Dominic said softly.
"Ok...are you feeling ok?"

Patton sighed, not knowing what to do. He decided it was best to get Logan, since Logan had known Dominic since birth, and remembered everything about the boy.

Logan sat beside Dominic.
"Hey dad," Dominic mumbled.
"Kiddo, I know you don't want to get up, but you need to eat something, ok?" Dominic just laid there. Logan waited for a response, but Dominic didnt say anything.

"I want to stay here...please," Dominic finally said.
"Do you want me to bring you anything to eat?" Logan asked. Dominic just shrugged. "We made eggs and bacon, I can make you some toast,"

"Yeah," Dominic yawned and closed his eyes. He was exhausted after not sleeping all night.

But when Dominic did get up...

He didnt wear his binder. He didnt care any more. He gave up trying to pass.
"Dominic...are you ok?" Remus asked softly. Dominic shrugged and held himself. As much as he hated it, there was no point trying in his mind.

He was never going to pass, he was never going to be seen as a boy. Dominic just sat at the table, not looking at anyone. They were all looking at him, though. Wondering what was going on in his head. To have made him give up like this.

"I'm worried about him," Logan sighed. "I'm worried he might say he wants to be a girl again..."
"I may not know him right now. Bit I think I know what's going on. Has he been bullied in the past for it?" Patton asked. Logan nodded. "I think he feels like he doesnt pass, that he never will pass. He is giving up trying,"
"That would make alot of sense," Logan muttered, running his hand through his hair. "So what do we do?"
"I don't know," Patton shrugged. "Like I said, I barely remember anything from before waking up in the hospital. I don't really know these kids,"
"Yeah you're right. But I do! Dominic is my son, I should know how to help him," Logan was angry. Not at Patton, at himself. Patton cupped Logans face in his hands.
"It's ok. No parent and know how to react and act in every given situation," he whispered, looking up at Logan. Logan let out a soft breath and nodded. Patton gently hugged him.

The days went on. Dominic had really given up. He stopped wearing his binder all together and started wearing more 'feminine' clothing when doing out into town with the family. He didnt have many, but he had some that he had thought looked nice and wanted because there was a little part of his brain telling him it was pretty.

"Ok he's serious about it now," Roman said, closing the door to hisnand Remus' room behind him. He stopped, seeing Remus sat on their bed, shirtless.
"What's going on?" Remus asked. Roman was I a trance now, staring at the others chest. "Roman!"
"Right, sorry. Dominic is wearing a dress,"
"What?" Remus stood up. Roman was really red, not able to stop himself from staring.
"Ro, I know I'm hot but you don't need to stare," Remus teased, grabbing his shirt and pulling it on. Roman gulped nervously and nodded.

They went to Dominic's room, finding him sitting on his floor singing to himself and wearing a cute little dress, a flower clip in his hair. It was so strange. The last time they had seen him wearing a dress was when he was like...5 years old.

(He was singing this song)

"Dominic," Roman said softly, knocking on the door frame. Dominic looked up with a fake and slightly forced smile.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Are you ok...? This isn't like you," Remus asked
"What do you mean?"
"Are you questioning again? Kid, you've been positive you were a boy for years. And suddenly you're just...acting like you never changed," Roman knelt beside him. Dominic just shrugged.
"What's the point? I mean...I could easily just be a major tomboy or something..." Dominic muttered. "I get so much shut for being trans, what's the point?"
"Remus and I get shit for dating. And for being gay. Did that stop us from loving eachother?" Roman asked with a small smile.
"I guess not..." Dominic shrugged.
"Why is this happening suddenly?" Remus asked, sitting on the other side of Dominic.

"When....when he touched me, he said that Remy told him I was still a little girl underneath," Dominic said softly. The twins looked at eachother.

That was it...when he was attacked, Dominic felt helpless. He felt like the weak little girl pwople had always called him. Roman gently hugged Dominic, holding him close. Dominic wanted to pull away at first, but the hug felt nice. So he hugged back. Remus smiled weakly and scooted closer, hugged them both as well.

"Dows dressing like this make you happy?" Roman asked. Dominic shook his head. Roman chuckled and Remus stood up, grabbing Dominic's binder fro his closet and some clothes Dominic would prefer.
"Go get changed, little brother," Remus smiled. Dominic smiled back and took the stuff, running to the bathroom.

"I think we'll make good parents one day," Roman smiled. Remus went red.
"W-what?" He stammered.
"What?" Roman asked looking up at him.
"You want to have kids?" Remus muttered.
"Well yeah...I mean do you remember how cute Thomas was?! And still is?" Roman said smiling.
"Well yeah...but is your plan that we'll still be together and adopt...or will you marry someone else?" Remus asked sitting down.
"Remus...I want to be with you and only you," Roman said softly. "Do...do you NOT want kids?"
"No no, I mean...one day maybe. But it just shocked me when you said it like that because it was like you had it all planned out. That we would still be together later on and have a family," Remus shrugged. Roman smiled and hugged him sideways.

"You're silly," he giggled, kissing Remus' cheek.
"You're beautiful, Remus smiled
"We're identical,"
"Nope. I have darker hair and you have brighter eyes. Plus I have a cool ass piercing," Remus said matter-of-factly. Roman laughed and kissed him gently.
"I fucking love you,"
"I love you too," Remus smiled.

"Aw man, not near my manga, guys!" Dominic groaned with a smile.
"What if it were ON your manga?" Remus smirked.
"Ewwww!" Dominic giggled.

"Hey, are you feeling better kiddo?" Logan asked when he saw Dominic smiling.
"Yeah! Remus and Roman helped me out," Dominic said happily. Remus and Roman highfived, though Remus grabbed Roman's hand when they touched and pulled him closer.

"Remus," Roman whispered smiling shyly. "Stop being weird,"
"Sorry love," Remus smiled, kissing his cheek. Roman bit his lip as Remus let him go.

I hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night!
Love ya!

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