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"That man isn't your father, he cant take care of you,"

"Yes he is!"

"No he isn't. He is just your father's husband!"

"He cares about us way more then you ever did!"

Emile shot up in bed, breathing heavily. He'd been having these nightmares, ones about being taken away from Logan. That he would be seperated from his brothers. That they would go and have to be adopted. That Remus and Roman wouldn't be there to protect him any more.

Emile got up and carefully went to Logans room, where he was working quietly.
"D-dad?" Emile said softly. Logan looked up.

"Hey, what's up buddy?" Logan asked.
"I-I had a nightmare," Emile stepped inside. "Can I stay in here?"
"Of course," Logan gave him a sympathetic look. Emile walked over and got snuggled up beside Logan on the bed. He soon fell asleep and Logan smiled at how peaceful he looked.

Logan was up late each night. He couldnt sleep. He'd be up until his eyes couldn't stay open any longer. He often fell asleep while working.

When Logan did fall asleep, he had Emile close to his chest. He felt bad for the poor kid. He knew Remus Roman and Emile were worried about being given back to their birth mother if Patton died. Logan knew if that happened, he would fight. He would fight for them to stay in his care. He wasnt going to give up three of his kids.

The next morning, all 5 kids begged to stay home. They'd all been getting bullied really bad, ever since it got out that
1, they had gay parents
2, Remus and Roman were more then brothers
And 3, Dominic was trans. The older three got it the worst but the younger two did still get teasing and pushed around quite a bit.

Logan agreed to let them stay home. He knew how hard everything that was going on was on them. And with the bullying piled on top, he understood why they were upset.

~flash back~

"Remus! Wait!" Patton said laughing as Remus pulled on his hand. They were at the carnival. It was also Patton and Logans first anniversary, from the day they met, about 2 months since they'd gotten married

"Ok, ok," Patton giggled as he handed the kids their tickets. "Remy Remus and Roman, you three can go off on your own, but you have to stay together. No running off, ok Remus?"
"Ok! Cmon let's go!" Remus said running. Roman and Remy ran after him. Logan and Patton went on some more calm rides with Emile Virgil Delilah.

(I'm just going to refer to Dominic as Delilah for most of the flashbacks because most of them take place before he transitioned, and Patton and Logan would have  called him Delilah at those times, sorry if that makes you angry)

At the end of the day, Patton carried a sleeping Virgil to the car. The other kids were pretty tired, too. At home, Patton tucked them in and sang the lullaby he sang every night.
"Night dad," Delilah said as she fell asleep.
"Night sweetheart," Patton kissed her head and stood

~end of flashback~

"Why is life so unfair?" Virgil asked Logan.
"What do you mean?"
"Dad is sick...you're sad, and we're all getting bullied for being who we are," Virgil said.
"I'm sorry...I don't know what to tell you, kiddo," Logan smiled softly. Patton always called the kids kiddo. Virgil hugged Logan.

"Kids, lunch is ready," Logan called. They came in and got their food. Logan usually didnt let them eat in the livingroom, but let them so they could watch a movie. He wanted to keep their minds off everything that was happening.


"Hey, Logie?" Patton said softly.
"Yes love?" Logan asked looking up from his work. Patton seemed upset about something. Logan stood and wrapped his arms around Patton. He frowned when Patton pulled away.

"Honey...what happened?" He asked. Pattons eyes filled with tears.
"P-promise me," Patton said softly.
"Promise what?"
"Promise...that you'll always love me. That you'll always love the kids. That nothing bad will ever happen to them if I'm gone," Patton said as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Patton, of course! I could never stop loving you. Or any of the kids," Logan said, rushing forwards. He took Pattons face in his hands. "I love you all so much. But the idea of raising them without you...don't even bring that up. I would never be able to bear being without you by my side,"

Patton smiled softly and hugged Logan tightly.

~end if flashback~

"Dad? Are you ok?" Roman asked. Logan had spaced out.
"Oh, yeah...just thinking," Ligan said quickly. He thought of the day, 5 years before, when Patton made him promise to always care for the kids. To never let anything bad ever happen to them.

He had to keep that promise. He had to protect them.

A few more weeks passed. Patton still got worse. He could barely breath, he went into coughing fits while talking to them.

One day, though...

"Hey, love, I got you something from the kids," Logan said softly as he stepped inside.
"Oh? What is it?" Pattons voice was rough.
"Here," Logan gently handed Patton the card the kids had made him. Patton smiled weakly.
"They say they love you alot," Logan held him hand.

"I need to get better...I can't leave them," Patton started coughing. Logan sighed softly, kissing Pattons hand.

"I'm so sorry, baby," Logan said quietly in tears. "I hate that this is happening to you,"

Patton was silent.

Logan looked up. He had fallen asleep. Logan gave a small weak smile and kissed his hand again, standing up. As he was walking out





Logan had never yelled so loud in his life. He screamed for a doctor. For someone. He couldnt lose Patton. Not yet.

"Sir you need to leave," A nurse said pulling him away.
"Please, you have to save him!" Logan sobbed. "You can't let him die!"

Logan sat in the lobby sobbing. Not now. The kids hadn't seen him in over a week because of school and homework. The visiting hours didnt work for school. And since school was nearing the end and they had alot of tests coming up, Logan said they couldnt miss school.

"Please...please don't leave me," Logan whispered as he cried.

Logan called he school that the kids would be being picked up by Remy soon.
He called Remy, who picked the others up and got them to the hospital. Thomas was with Ligan, not understanding why he was crying.

"Dad!" Remy cried when he and the others ran inside.

"What happened? Is dad ok?" Emile asked in a panic. They all hugged Logan, who couldn't get a word out anymore. He was breaking down.

This couldnt be how it ended.

Not like this.

Not when so many things were ahead

Hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night 💙🖤

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