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"Dominic! Get in the car!" Logan yelled, running to Patton's side.

What the hell happened!??!

Logan saw a bit of blood on the sink.

"He must have fallen, shit," Logan whispered with tears in his eyes as he gently picked his unconscious husband up.

"Oh my god, what happened?!" Dominic gasped, buckling Thomas into his seat. Logan put Paton into the car.
"It looks like he fell," Logan said.

They drove quickly, getting to the hospital only a minute or two later. Logan held Patton as they ran inside.

Logan and Dominic sat in the lobby, waiting. Dominic leaned onto Logan's shoulder, seeming tired. Thomas was on Logan's lap, not really understanding what was going on.

An hour later, they were let in. Patton was still out cold.
"Is he going to be ok?" Dominic asked as Logan held Patton's hand tightly.
"Yes, he should be alright. He should hopefully wake up soon," the doctor said.

When 3pm came, Logan and Dominic went to the school.
"Hey, thank god I was so worried about you!" Remus said pulling Dominic into a hug.
"Sorry...I kinda had a breakdown and had to leave," Dominic said hugging him back.
"Boys, get in the car, we need to get to the hospital," Logan said.
"What?!" Remus Roman Emile and Virgil cried.
"Dad had an accident," Dominic explain softly.

"Oh god, what happened?" Roman asked as they all got buckled up.
"He fell, he hasn't woken up yet," Logan told them.

When they got back to the hospital soon after, Logan got upset because they wouldn't let them into Patton's room.
"He's my husband, what happened?" Logan demanded
"He woke up, but has lost a bit of his memory. He is really scared right now and had to be held down so we could give him a shot to relieve him a bit," the nurse explained. "Too many people at once might scare him and we have no idea how much of his memory he's lost,"

The group sat, waiting anxiously for any news.
"I'm going to call Remy," Logan said softly as he stood.

"H-hey dad," Remy said over the phone.
"Hey...we're at the hospital right now, dad had an accident," Logan said wiping a tear from his eyes.
"Wait, what?!" Remy cried

Remy was laying on his bed, Tyler laying beside him with his arm around him. Tyler started kissing his neck, smirking.

Remy's phone started ringing and he tried to push Tyler away so he could answer it.
"H-hey dad," Remy said, trying not to moan while Tyler continued to kiss and suck his neck.
"Hey...we're at the hospital right now, dad had an accident," Logan said. Remy shot up in bed.
"Wait, what?!" He cried. "Shit, ok I'll be there soon," he hung up and jumped out of bed.

"Nooooo, come back," Tyler groaned.
"My dad is in the hospital, I need to go," Remy said pulling his jacket on. Tyler sat up.
"Let me come with you," he said.
"Sure, fine, whatever but let's GO!" Remy cried, grabbing Tyler's arm and pulling him up. They rushed to the car and got in

At the hospital, Remy practically dragged Tyler inside.
"Remy!" Virgil whimpered hugging him tightly.
"Hey, I'm here, don't cry," Remy whispered holding him tight.

"What are you doing here?" Remus asked Tyler, arms crossed
"Just coming for emotional support, I guess," Tyler said, hand on Remy's shoulder.

They sat, Remy sitting with Tyler's arms wrapped around him. Roman was falling asleep against Remus, Virgil was laying against Remy, and Dominic had gone to get snacks with Emile and Thomas. Logan was pacing.

"Dad, stop pacing, he's gonna be ok," Remus said softly. Logan stopped when a doctor approached.
"Patton Sanders family?" He asked
"That's us, is he alright?" Logan asked in a panic.

"He's awake and we've calmed him down. Please go in one at a time," the doctor said.

Logan went in first and almost started crying from Patton reaction.

He moved away, looking scared
"W-who...who are you?!" Patton whimpered.
"Patton, I'm your husband," Logan said gently. Patton expression softened slightly.
"M-my husband? I'm married?" He asked softly
"Yeah...my name is Logan. We've been married for about 11 years now. We have 7 sons," Logan told Patton, sitting down beside him.
"7? That's a lot," Patton said softly.
"Yeah, I guess it is...Remy is 19 almost 20, Remus and Roman, the twins, are 17 almost 18, Dominic is 16, Emile is 15, Virgil is 14 and Thomas is almost 4,"
"....that's a lot to take in...can I see them?" Patton asked nervously. Logan smiled and nodded
"I'm only allowed to being one in at a time,"

Logan brought Emile in first, because he could not wait any longer.
"Patton, this is Emile. Your youngest biological son,"
"Biological? What do you mean?" Patton said gently hugging Emile who was in tears.
"Well, technically Remy Virgil and Dominic are mine, Remus Roman and Emile are yours and Thomas is our adopted son. We were both married before we met and had the older 6 before then, and about a year and a half ago, we adopted Thomas,"

After a the kids came in, said hi and everything, I got Remy to take them home so they could do their homework and everything.

Roman also had his driver's license so they all went back to the house in the two cars. Emile immediately ran up to his room crying.
"I'll go talk to him," Dominic said quickly following. Virgil threw himself onto the couch face first. He laid still.

"You ok, Virg?" Remus asked. Virgil kicked his legs and groaned in response.

"I'm gonna make some food," Remy said softly.
"So Tyler, tell us about yourself," Roman said, a bit protective of Remy, even though he was older.
"What about me?" Tyler asked sitting down.
"How did you meet Remy, where do you work, hobbies," Remus said shrugging.

"Well, uh...I met Remy about 3 months before we moved in together. We started having a romantic connection a week after meeting and he moved in cause he wanted to get away from his crazy siblings," Tyler smiled softly when Roman let out an offended gasp.

"Also...what's with the black eye, dude? Are you ok?" Tyler asked Remus.
"Oh, uh yeah...I just got in a fight at school," Remus said quickly, looking away. Roman wrapped his arms around his twin loosely.
"He was defending our dads. Everyone makes really bad jokes about them. I guess having gay parents makes you a big target for violence and fights," Roman explained softly 

"He's our hero," Roman smiled and kissed Remus' cheek.
"Look, guys. I get it if you don't like me. I mean, I'm basically your brother and no one knew. But I really, really like Remy. And I would do anything for him and you guys. So if you need anything, seriously, just ask. I'm here to help,"

"Well...as long as you promise not to break our brothers heart, I guess you can stay," Remus said with his arms crossed. 
"I heard that," Remy teased as he wrapped his arms around Tyler and kissed his cheek. "I find it amusing that you need my little brothers permission to date me," Tyler turned in his arms and kissed him gently.
"Well, I would hate for my boyfriends family to hate me," he said smiling. 

"They didn't hate you, they're just over protective," Remy kissed him again, hands on his cheeks to pull him closer.

Hey, thanks for reading. I am sorry if I freaked anyone out, but I am having a lot of fun writing this and can not believe that it is almost at 2K reads. I'm glad people  this and I'm sorry if I make you cry because then I feel bad but also so happy because for a writer, a beginner like me, being able to make reader laugh and cry is the best thong. 

I hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night!💖🧡💛💚💙💜 

Also I've been writing on my lap top a bit so it's a bit harder to write, sorry

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