~•♤Chapter 25♤•~

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When the boys got home, they were confused to find that the car wasnt there.
"Dad?" Remus called.
"They arent here," Remy called back.
"Remy!" Virgil said happily, hugging him.
"Hey kid," Remy smiled.

"Where are they?" Roman asked.
"The store. Dad is taking dad...wow that is really confusing. Logan is taking Patton around town, hoping something will spark a memory or something," Remy them. "I made some apples and peanut butter, come eat something,"

"Sweet!" Emile cheered running to the kitchen

"How you guys holding up?" Remy asked the twins.
"Remus wouldn't let me kiss him all day," Remus pouted.
"No, I mean about dad," Remy chuckled.
"We're doing ok. We just miss some things," Roman shrugged, arm around Remus' shoulder. "And I told you, you would get kisses and cuddles at home,"
"Then give me kisses," Remus whined.
"You such a bottom," Roman chuckled kissing him. Remus smiled and hugged his side.
"You guys are weird," Remy chuckled rolling his eyes. They kids sat talking softly and eating until Logan and Patton got home.
"Dad!" Emile said happily, hugging Patton.
"Hey, Emile," Patton smiled.
"How was your guys' first day?" Logan asked taking his jacket off.
"Eh," Virgil shrugged, still eating his apple.

"Same old," Roman said smiling softly. Remus was still clung to him.
"Now can we?" Remus whined.
"Yes, go to our room I'll be there in a minute," Roman chuckled. Remus scurried away. Logan eyed them suspiciously.
"He's craving affection," Dominic explained.
"I told him he had to get used to not being able to get kisses during the day while at school," Roamn shrugged. "But now I need to tend to my whiny needy baby," He smiled and walked away.

Remus was sitting on their bed, waiting not so patiently, getting antsy

"Please? Just a quick something?" Remus begged when Roman came in.
"Not right now, unless you can be quiet,"
"I'll be quiet! But please, I need this," Remus whined.
"Hm...." Roman pretended to think, just to make Remus more annoyed. "I'm not sure if you deserve it..."
"Roman," Remus whined in annoyance. "Stop torturing me like this!!!"

Roman kissed him and pushed him down gently, hovering over him greedily

"I'm never going to get used to the idea of those two being together," Remy said softly to Logan.
"Me neither, but they're happy and keep eachother busy, distracted and out of trouble. So I don't have a problem with it,"
"Execot their relationship is the reason they got bullied so harshly," Remy pointed out.
"True...but I'm pretty sure that only made their bond stronger. Now...where is Thomas?"
"In his bed. He's still napping," Remy said, gesturing to the toddler's room.

"Hey...Logan?" Patton called softly. Logan walked over.
"Yes love?" He asked.
"What is this?" Patton held up a thin chain necklace with a light and dark blue heart on the end. Logan smiled seeing it
"It was a gift I got for you for our first anniversary," Logan gently took it and put it on Patton.
"It's really pretty," Patton smiled softly and looked up at Logan.

"Dad! I just had an idea!" Dominic gasped. "Tha cabin! The cabin we go to every summer! Where you had your honeymoon!"
"The cabin?" Logan said slowly. "You might remember the cabin! We go there every summer for two weeks,"
"Cabin...in the woods, on a lake...it was our first trip as a whole family. Dominic got hurt at the end and Remus almost drowned Roman," Patton recalled.
"Yeah!" Logan smiled. "You remember it?"
"Yeah...well, parts, at least," Patton smiled too. "This is amazing," he hugged Logan happily.

"Hey Rem, what's the deal with you and Tyler?" Dominic asked his brother as he left his parents alone
"What do you mean?"
"Like have you put a label on it, are you trying things out," Dominic shrugged
"We...we're basically dating but he is nervous to put the boyfriend-boyfriend label on it yet. He so hasn't really come out to his parents so..." Remy said slowly.
"Oooh," Dominic nodded.

When Remus and Roman came out, their brothers weren't surprised to see them both duck into the bathroom, panting softly and looking a bit sweaty
"Remus got what he wanted," Dominic chuckled
"Still can't believe Remus is a bottom," Remy smiled. "We need to tease him about that,"
"Totally!" Dominic said with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Boys, I'm going to start on dinner. What would you all like? Also, we are going to the cabin next week," Logan said entering the room.
"Macaroni?" Dominic suggested.
"Yeah!" Virgil and Emile agreed happily.

"Alright. Start up a movie, we can eat in the living room tonight," Logan smiled at how excited Emile and Virgi lgit at that.

And a week later, as Logan had told them, they packed up for three days at the cabin. The boys were a bit worried about school, since they didnt want to fall behind.
"You're all very smart, you'll catch up fine," Logan assured them.

"Is Remy coming with us?" Dominic asked as he finished helping Logan pack the car.
"Yeah, he and Tyler will be meeting us down there," Logan told him smiling. Dominic groaned. "What?"
"I don't know if I like Tyler that much," Dominic shrugged.
"Well, Remy does. And we have to be nice," Logan said. He understood, Dominic not liking Tyler. The twins didnt like him much either.

But Remy really liked him, so they would have to learn to love him too.

Logan buckled Thomas into his seat, made sure the kids were all set and got behind the wheel.

At the cabin, they were unpacking when Remy and Tyler got there.
"Hey shorty," Remy smiled at Dominic.
"Why did you have to bring him," Dominic mumbled into his chest as he hugged his older brother.
"Because I felt bad leaving him alone," Remy whispered back.

"There isnt another larger bed, only Patton and I's," Logan told Reny and Tyler. "Think you can sleep apart for a few days?"
"Sure, but only if Remus and Roman can," Reny smirked at the offended looks on the twins faces.
"We don't ALWAYS sleep together!" Roman insisted
"Really? Because I pretty sure you only have one bed right now," Remy smirked.
"It saves space, shut up," Remus said pulling Roman away. Remy chuckled. He loved bugging them.

The cabin had two bedrooms. One had a queen sized bed for Logan and Patton, the other had three bunk beds. Dominic and Virgil in one, Emile on the top bunk of another with the twins under him, Remy and Tyler took the other bed. Thomas was sleeping between Logan and Patton.

Dominic was on the bottom bunk and in the middle of the night, looked up a bit when he heard a bed squeak.

He wasnt really surprised to see Remus, grinding against Roman.
"Be quiet," Roman hissed.
"I am, your the one with a thicc ass," Remus hissed back. Dominic choked down a laugh and laid still. The twins carefully got up and snuck out of the cabin.
"Weirdos," Dominic smiled as he got comfy again and started falling asleep

Incest warning

"Roman!" Remus giggled as he was dragged into the woods a bit. "What are we doing?"
"I'm hungry," Roman growled smirking. Remus blushed harshly.
"B-but we're in the woods, what's your plan?"
"Slamm you against a tree, hold you on a rock. I just want you," Roman grabbed Remus by the waist and kissed him roughly.

"Fine, if you promise it won't hurt,"

Sure, Remus kinda liked pain. But a tree or a rock? Come on, Roman. That's going to hurt.

I posted on my instagram story a poll about this story. Btw, the thing is about Tyler. Now, if you would like to help me decide the fate of Remy and Tyler, please vote on it!

And other then that, I hope you enjoyed and have a greatday/night! Happy pride month, I love you all



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