~•☆I'm not gay☆~•

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A few weeks had passed again. Logan and Patton had traded numbers so they could set up playmates and sleepovers for the boys. Since Patton and his kids were new to town, Logan invited them over for the 4th of July bbq. Patton happily said yes.

On the 4th of July, Patton and Logan were talking while making burgers and hotdogs.
"Dad!" Roman called. "Remus found a frog!"

"Ew!" Delilah shrieked. The adults could see Remus was teasing her with it.
"Remus, no," Patton said firmly. "Let the poor thing go,"

"Look! It's all slimy and gross," Remusl giggled.
"Dee, I thought you loved snakes," Logan said.
"I do, but that's a frog," Delilah said. "I dont like frogs,"

The fireworks started when the sun went down, and Virgil fell asleep on Logans lap, snuggled up in a soft blanket. Delilah was sitting by Logans feet, looking up at the sky in awe. Remus and Roman were pushing eachother, but being quiet and Remy had fallen asleep between Logan and Patton, his head on his dads shoulder. Emile was on Pattons lap, playing with his feet.

(I have like zero knowledge on the 4th of July. I'm Canadian, born and raised. I've only been to America like twice, once that I remember)

When the fore works ended, Patton carefully took Virgil and Logan picked up Remy. Roman and Remus followed and Delilah had already run ahead inside.
"Its not weird if you shared my bed, right?" Logan said softly to Patton.
"No, just two friends being buddies," Patton said smiling. Logan chuckled and nodded. After all the kids were set up and asleep, Patton and Logan went to Logans bed. They changed and laid down.

But by morning, Patton was cuddled close to Logan, gripping his shirt a bit. Logan woke up first and was slightly flustered by it. He carefully git up so he didnt disturb Patton and went into the living room. Remus was awake, playing on the floor. Delilah came out a few minutes later, hugging Logans leg.
"Morning sweetie," Logan said.
"Morning daddy," Delilah said yawning. Logan started on breakfast and after awhile, felt two arms wrap around him.

"P-Patton," he muttered when he realized who it was. Patton looked up at him sleepily.
"You're warm," he mumbled, nuzzling Logans back. "Come back to bed,"

"I-I cant, i need to make breakfast," Logan said. Patton let out a soft whine, continuing to hold Logan.
"Daddddddddddddd," Remy groaned. "Delilahs in my room again,"

"Remy, you and your sister share a room, of course shes in your room," Logan said, rolling his eyes. Remy eyed the two men, Patton still with his arms around Logans waist, face in his back

"Since when are you guys together?" Remy asked.
"We arent...Pattons just tired and cold, go sit out there," Logan said quickly. Remy left and Logan turned in Pattons arms.

"Pat, come on," He said softly.
"What?" Patton mumbled.
"I-I dont know why you are acting like this, but I like it and dont want to do something I'll regret later," Logan said.
"So in other words," Patton said, looking up at Logan. "I'm turning you on?"

Logan gulped softly and nodded. Patton giggled and let Logan go. He walked away, and Logan shook his head as he caught himself watching his butt.

"I'm not gay," Logan repeated under his breath over and over again. He served the large group pancakes, bacon and eggs. They all ate happily and Logan snuck a glance at Patton, who was humming softly to himself.

Another few weeks passed. The incident was forgotten. At least by Patton.

"Dad, you seem stressed," Remy said.
"I am," Logan groaned. "I cant figure it out,"

"Figure what out? Can I help?" Remy asked, sitting beside his dad.

"No...I dont think you can," Logan sighed and leaned back on the couch, looking at the ceiling. "I dont understand what made me like him so much...or why I had such a reaction when he hugged me,"

"Patton," Logan took a deep breath. "I've only ever been with one person. That was your mom. And now I think I like someone else, but I dont know how to show that I do. Sorry bud, I know you dont understand this much either,"

"You could just tell him," Remy said softly. "That's what I did,"
"Wait, what?" Logan asked, sitting up straighter. "You told a girl you liked her?"
"No...it was a boy," Remy said.

"Remy, you liked a boy?" Logan asked. Remy nodded.
"I was scared to tell you...I thought you might get mad at me. Mommy always said i would never be allowed to like another boy," Remy said. Tears stung his eyes and he quickly wiped them away. Logan sighed and pulled Remy onto his lap.

"Tell me about this boy you like," he said. Remy smiled and told him how kind the boy was, how funny and sweet.

The two fell asleep on the couch and were found by Delilah the next morning. She climbed up onto the couch and cuddled in Logans free arm, closing her eyes.

"Ro, Re, come here," Patton called. The twins ran in, stopping infront of Patton. "We're going to the park, so get your play clothes on," Patton said. The boys came back a few minutes later, Remus in his overalls and a dark shirt, Roman in a similar outfit but cleaner and light coloured.

At the park, Ligan waved Patton over. He smiled and let the boys run wild as he walked over.
"Emy!" Virgil said, his name for Emile. Enile giggled and Patton put him down. The toddlers babbled a bit while the adults talked. Logan couldnt help stare into Pattons beautiful blue eyes. They shined in the light. Patton stopped talking, looking into Logans brown eyes.

"You have really pretty eyes," Logan said softly. Patton blushed hard and smiled softly

Was that to fast? It takes a boy 3 seconds or something to have a crush on someone, so I think this is ok. Hope you enjoyed

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