~•◇Oh god◇•~

579 27 24

Incest, RemRom
Sad Remus
Sad Patton

Again, I apologize before hand about what you will read

"Patton, it's ok," Logan said holding him. Patton kept crying.
"No it isn't!" He sobbed.
"Calm down, calm down, we can figure this out together," Logan told him. He sat with Patton beside him.

"What are we going to tell the kids?" Patton asked softly.
"I...I don't know," Logan tried to think of something. Anything. But his mind was blank. He was scared. He didn't want to lose Patton.

"Tomorrow I have to go back for more tests," Patton said wiping his eyes and cheeks.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Logan asked softly. Patton nodded.
"I don't want to be alone,"

Dominic and Roman had been listening through the door.
"What are they talking about?" Dominic whispered.
"I don't know," Roman whispered back.
"Guys get away from the door," Remus said softly, pulling them away.
"Do you know what they're talking about? Tests, dad was crying, he doesnt want to be alone," Roman asked Remus.
"I'm not allowed to say," Remus said softly.
"Pleaseeeeeee tell us!" Dominic begged. "Please?"
"No, dad told me not to. They will tell us when they're ready," Remus said.

"Oh my God, is dad pregnant?" Roman asked.

"What? No, of course not," Remus said. "May i remind you that boys can't get pregnant?"
"What about Dominic? He could," Roman said. That got him a hard kick in the shin.
"Shut up, princey," Dominic said.

"Ok, but seriously. If you know, just tell us!" Roman urged.
"No! I'm not allowed...I don't want to think about it," Remus turned away because he could feel tears stinging his eyes. "Just leave it, ok?" With that he walked away. He went to the bathroom and shut the door. It was the only place he could go and cry, without someone coming in and asking what was wrong.

Remus cried into his knees. The thought of losing his father was too much. Even though Logan and Patton had been married so long, he had a feeling that if Patton was gone...Remus Roman and Emile would be sent to live with their mother. Remus barely remembered his mother. All he remembered was that she was mad and kicked them all out one day. That was only a week before they met Logan Remy Virgil and Dominic.

"Remus, can you come out please?" Roman caled softly.
"I'm gay!" Remus called back.
"That's not what I meant," Roman sighed. "Can you please get out of he bathroom? I hate seeing you upset,"
"I'm fine," Remus said. "Don't worry about me,"
"But I am worrying. Remus...I love you and I want ro make sure that you're ok," Roman tried to open the door, but it was locked. "We won't bug you about it, just let me in,"

He heard the door unlock and smiled softly. He opened the door and sighed, seeing how upset Remus was, sitting on the floor, head in his knees, crying.
"Remus, come here," Roman said kneeling down. He took his  brother into a tight embrace, where they stayed for a long time. When they pulled back, Remus wiped his eyes and cheeks, taking a deep breath.

Roman reached towards him and held his face in his hands gently, wiping the little tears streaks with his thumbs.
"I love you," Roman said with a small smile.
"I love you, too," Remus smiled. Roman moved a bit closer, smiling when Remus turned red and looked away.

I wanted to keep going with this but my mind went blank so I am moving onto the other children now, sorry if you like seeing Remus and Roman (let's say they ended up making out...) (I just wanted to share that what I'm watching while writing this, the girl just say "it's so wet down there" .......SHE WAS BAKING AND THE CAKE WAS WET ON THE BOTTOM😂 sorry I thought it was funny) 

Also Lily, their dog, is now 6 years old

After Remus left and Roman followed him, Dominic went into the living room. Virgil was on the floor, doing his homework.
"Need any help?" Dominic asked sitting beside him.
"Yes please," Virgil said softly, glancing up. "Are you good at math?"
"Pretty good," Dominic shrugged. He helped Virgil for a bit, and smiled when his younger brother made a noise, telling he understood the work.

"Thanks DeeDee!" Virgil smiled.
"No problem," Dominic smiled and stood up.
Dominic found Emile, sitting, staring at Lily, who stared back.
"What are you doing?" He asked smiling.
"Staring contest," Emile said quickly, not breaking his stare. "First to blink or look away loses,"

"I'm pretty sure you are the only one of us that would do well as an only child," Dominic said smiling. Lily looked away from Emile, who laughed and jumped up.
"I am the alpha!" He said triumphantly. Dominic giggled and rolled his eyes playfully.
"Try beating Remus at a staring contest. That is difficult,"

"Kids, dinner will be ready soon," Logan called. "Wash your hands and clean up what you're doing,"

Dominic sat down, eyeing Remus and Roman suspiciously. They both were a bit red and sweaty, Remus' shirt collar mot doing a very good job at hiding a dark hickey on his neck.
"Have fun?" Dominic asked smirking.
"Shut up, shortie," Remus mumbled blushing harder.
"I know I did," Roman smiled. Remus elbowed him hard in the side.
"Never thought youd be a bottom, Remus," Dominic giggled.

"What's a bottom?" Virgil asked sitting beside Dominic.
"Imagine a straight relationship, a man and a woman," Dominic started.
"You've lost me," Virgil said immediately. Everyone laughed.

"Never mind, ask dads," Dominic smiled. So during dinner, Virgil asked.
"Dad, what's a bottom?" He asked Logan. Patton practically choked on his food. Logan held down a laugh

"Uh, why do you ask?" Logan asked with a small smile he was very clearly trying to hide.
"DeeDee said Remus is a bottom," Virgil said.
"Waot, seriously?" Patton laughed.
"Ugh," Remus let out a long groan, hiding in his hands

Another week passed. And the test results were in. They came in the mail and Remus, who was walking Lily, picked up the mail. He saw the envelope from the hospital and gasped softly. He grabbed everything else, locked the mailbox and ran back home, Lily running at his heels.

Patton and Logan were in the kitchen.
"Hospital," Remus said urgently, handing the letter to Patton.
"Oh no, really?" Patton breathed, taking it nervously. "What if...what of it the results?" Patton started panicking now.

"Just open it," Logan said softly. Patton nodded amd opened it slowly. He pulled the letter out and read over it, his hands starting to shake halfway through. He slapped a hand over his mouth in tears
"Oh god," he whispered

I know, I know, I'm evil but I'm leaving it here.
I feel it is needed to say that the next chapter will be sad, and I am sorry

I hope you enjoyed, though, and have a great day/night (it actually isn't between 9pm-3am while writing this for once, huh) ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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