•~♡A PUPPY?!♡~•

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"Dad?" Delilah asked softly the next morning. Logan smiled at her.
"Yes, hon?" He said.
"I...is it ok to feel...like I'm not myself? Like I'm someone else?"

"What do you mean, Dee?" Logan asked. He picked her up and set her on the counter.
"I feel weird. Like I'm in someone else's body," Delilah tried to explain.
"Is that why you wanted to cut your hair? This felt more like you?" Logan asked after a moment. Delilah nodded.

"Morning," Patton said, kissing Logans cheek then Delilahs head.

"Good morning," Logan said.

"Is something wrong here?" Patton asked slowly
"No. Dee was just telling me something. You may have more understanding on the topic then I do," Logan said.
"Sure. What's up, kiddo?"

"I feel like I'm in someone else's body. Like....a few years ago it was mine, but now it just isn't," Delilah said.
"Don't worry, honey. That happens to everyone at one time or another. It's completely normal," Patton said smiling. He ran his hand through her short hair. "Did I tell you how adorable you look like this? I love it,"

Delilah giggled and smiled.

"Just think about it some more. I'm sure you'll come to a better understanding soon," Logan said.
"Thanks dads," Delilah said. She hugged them both and skipped into the living room.

"Did you talk to them about it?" Remy asked her. Delilah nodded. "And what did they say?"
"To just think about it more. Dad think I'll come to a better understanding later when I think about it more," Delilah said. She laughed a bit. "Whatever that means,"

Delilah spent days, thinking about the whole thing. She didn't understand. She didn't get it. It was around 2 am and she laid awake, staring up at the ceiling. She sat up and sighed.

She got up and out of her, going to her closet. She knelt down and moved some things around, finally finding what she was looking for. The large stuffed snake she'd gotten from Patton and Logan when they got married. She hugged it to her chest and got back into bed. With the snake she was able to fall asleep.

"Baby, I just had an idea," Patton whispered, poking Logan. They were both awake for some reason.
"What's your idea?" Logan asked, looking away from his work.
"What if we got a pet? Like a dog, since I'm allergic to cats," Patton said smiling.
"Patton, we have 6 kids. We can't have a dog, too," Logan said.
"But we can! The kids are older now and more responsible," Patton said sitting up excitedly. "Please? Just consider it?"

"Fine. If we find the dog that would be good, preferably one that does shed so much, and not a huge dog that drools alot, we can think about it," Logan gave in, seeing the excitement in Pattons eyes. Patton smoked wider and kissed Logan happily.

"Yay! My friends dog just had puppy's a few weeks ago. I think they were golden reterivers," Patton said. "And goldies are really good. Easy to train in you start as puppys, a but hyper but not too bad and they're super gentle. I have a few friends with kids and golden retrievers and they all say that the dogs are really good with kids,"

"You've done alot if research, havent you?" Logan asked smiling. "That's kind of hot, not going to lie,"

"I wanted to make sure I had a good idea of a dog before I asked you," Patton said, a light pink colour in his cheeks. Logan chuckled and kissed him, pulling him closer.
"Well, since you did all your research, I think we should go see," Ligan said. Patton smiled wider and hugged Logan happily.

"But for now," Logan pulled Patton onto his lap facing him, kissing him. Patton was very into it.

"I told you, they're always making out," Remus whispered to Roman.
"Let's go back to bed, I'm tired," Roman whispered back. He dragged his brother back to bed. They shared a room, having a bunk bed. Roman was on the top but often slept in Remus' bed.

"Whatever," Remus groaned as they laid down on the bottom bunk. Roman cuddled into his brother, falling asleep quickly.

And so, the next day, Patton and Logan surprised the kids by taking then to see puppies.
"Are you ok, pops? You're kinda limping," Remy said to Patton.
"I'm ok. I twisted my ankle a bit," Patton said quickly.
"Sure," Logan said smiling. Patton shot him a look.

"Puppies!" Emile squealed excitedly. There were 8 puppies in total, 5 boys and 3 girls.
"We should get a female," Logan said to Patton as they watched the kids play with the 6 week old puppies.
"I was thinking the same thing," Patton said. He laughed as one particularly excited puppy jumped on Virgil, licking his face.
"Dad!" Virgil squealed laughing. Patton laughed harder as another tackled Virgil.

"Are we getting one?" Roman asked smiling wide.
"We were considering it. If you guys can agree on one," Logan said.
"This one!" Emile Virgil and Delilah all said, pointing to the one that had tackled Virgil first.
"I just want a puppy," Remus had one in his lap, letting it lick his face.
"Me too," Remy and Roman agreed.
"So you kiddos want this little girl?" Patton knelt beside the puppy. She looked up, cocked her head and let put a soft tip before jumping onto his lap.

"You're right, she's so cute," Patton smiled. "Aren't you just the cutest little thing," he picked the puppy up.

Not 10 minutes later, they were loading the kids back into the van. Patton held the puppy so there wouldn't be any fighting on who got to hold her o the way home. They had food for her and once at home, Logan was going to drop them off and go to grab a few more things from the pet store.

"Collar, leash, and a few toys, maybe a bed," Patton told Logan. "And a small bag of treats. See you soon,"
"Ok. Be right back,"

As they waited for Logan to come back, they let the puppy get used to the house a bit. She was very curious and excited in the new home.

"What're we gonna name her?" Emile asked Patton.
"How about you all think of a few bames and we vote on which one fits the best?" Patton said. The kids loved that idea and wrote them down.

When Logan got back, they sat in the living room to decide. The puppy had tired herself out a but and laid beside Patton, cuddled into him.

"The most votes goes to," Logan said

Comment a name you like! And next time it might be chosen! Hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night❤🧡💛💚💙💜🐶

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