~•☆Hair cut☆•~

820 41 21

Remy- 13
Remus and Roman-12
Logan and Patton have been married for 4 years

"Boys, hurry up, you're going to miss the bus!" Patton called to Roman and Remy, who had 'lost' their backpacks.
"We cant find our bags!" Remy called.

"Check under Remus' bed!" Delilah said.
"Oh! Found them!" They ran out and they all got outside. Patton always waited for them at the bus stop and gave them hugs before they got on the bus.
"Bye dad," Emile said cheerfully.
"Bye kiddos, have a good day," Patton said waving.

Back inside, Logan was making coffee while reading his book. Patton went over, hugging him by slipping under his book. Logan chuckled and kissed him.
"The kids on the bus?" He asked as he out his book down.
"Yep. It's just us," Patton said, only half meaning for it to sound dirty. Pogan chuckled again.
"What do you want to do?" Logan asked as he held his adorable husband. Patton shrugged.
"I'm happy just hugging and cuddling you," he said.

"Well, I do have to get a bit of work done. But you can cuddle me while I do that, ok?" Patton smiled and nodded.

They sat on the couch, Patton cuddled up with his head in Logans lap under a blanket. Logan had one hand in Pattons hair, and the other he used to do his work. It worked, and Patton eventually fell asleep, his arms wrapped around Logan to keep him close.

At about 11, Logan had forgotten his parents were coming over. Until they knocked.

He looked out the window by where he was sitting and got their attention.
"It's open," he mouthed. His mom smiled and opened the door.
"Aw, is he asleep?" His mother said smiling at the sleeping Patton.
"Yeah, he had a rough night," Logan said, smiling softly at Patton.
"A rough night, hm?" His dad said, smiling as he raised an eyebrow. Logan turned red.
"T-thats not what I meant! Virgil was having nightmares all night and kept us up is all," Logan defended quickly.
"Are the kids still at school?"
"Yeah. Until 3," Logan said. He carefully put his work away and managed to get out if Pattons grasp

"Let me just put him in bed," Logan said as he picked Patton up. Pat mumbled and moved slightly before relaxing into Logans chest.

"How are the kids doing?" His mom asked when he sat down again.
"Pretty good. Remy is on his last year of middle school, and the twins havent been sent home yet this year. Virgil keeps having nightmares, though and we dont know why," Logan said. "Delilah seems upset being the only girl around. And Emile is just the sweetest kid ever,"

"I cant wait to see them, it has been far too long," his mom said smiling.

At 3, Remy did his usual routine. He got out if class and made sure he had everything. He met with Emile and Virgil outside the door. Virgil held his hand and they met Delilah Remus and Roman by the bus. At the bus stop, Remy did the daily head count.
"2, 3, 4, 5..." he counted himself. Wait...1, 2, 3, 4, 5," he looked at everyone quickly. "Wheres Remus?" He looked around them.
"Gotcha coffee!" Remus said, jumping onto Remys back even though they were basically the same height.

Inside, they heard talking. But it wasnt just their parents.
"Dads, we're home," Remy called.
"Grandma and grandpa are here," Logan called back. Virgil and Emile ran into the room, hugging their grandparents.
"How are you kiddos?" Patton asked as Emile sat on his lap.
"Remus scared me at the bus stop," Remy said. "I thought we'd forgotten him,"
"Remus, stop playing pranks on your siblings. That's how you got suspended last year," Patton sighed
"I got suspended because Roman over reacted!" Remus said, pointing an accusing finger at Roman.
"You put a frog in my backpack!" Roman cried. "It ruined my lunch!"
"That wasnt supposed to happen!" Remus said.
"Boys," Logan said firmly. They both stopped. "No fighting. It's fine now. Just relax,"

Their grandparents stayed for dinner then went to stay at their hotel.
"Bye kids, see you tomorrow," grandma said smiling.

"Dad...can I cut my hair?" Delilah asked softly as Logan was tucking her in

"Why do you want to cut your hair, hon?" He asked, sitting beside her.
"I...I don't know, I just want short hair," Delilah said softly. She brushed her long hair with her hand, really not liking her appearance.
"Well, I dont see a problem with you cutting your hair. We can go tomorrow if you'd like," Delilah smiled and hugged Logan.

The next day, Logan took Delilah to get her hair cut. He thought she just wanted it a but shorter, not super short. So when she asked for a pixie cut, he was surprised.
"Are you sure hon? That'll be really short," Logan said.
"That's the point," Delilah said.
"Alright, if you're sure," she smiled. When her hair was cut she looked so happy and excited.

"I look like Remy," she giggled as they got back in the car.
"You know, you do. You guys look alot alike," Logan said smiling.

"Woah, you really did cut your hair," Patton said, running his hand through   Delilahs hair. "It looks good, sweetheart,"

"She looks like me. You stole my look," Remy said, narrowing his eyes playfully. Delilah giggled.
"Not my fault we look just as alike as Roman and Remus," Delilah said smiling.

"Who's the boy?" Remus asked smugly.
"Shush, leave her alone," Logan said rolling his eyes.

Delilah glanced around at her family. She felt weird. She was used to being the only girl. It was the norm. But for some reason, she felt weird about it now.

Delilah laid in her bed that night, hearing someone moving around in the hall. They went to the bathroom and came towards Delilahs room. Remy opened the door and peeked inside.
"Remy?" Delilah said softly, sitting up.
"Yeah, what's wrong?" Remy asked.
"Can...can I talk to you?" Delilah asked. Remy nodded and sat beside her.
"Are you ok?" Remy asked. Delilah shrugged.
"I...I don't know, I feel weird," Delilag said.
"Weird how?"
"I'm not sure. I just dont feel like myself,"
"Is it the haircut?" Remy asked 
"No...the haircut made me feel better actually," Delilah muttered.
"Well...tell me how you feel. Dont worry if it doesnt really make sense," Remy said encouragingly.
"I feel...like I dont belong. Like I'm living in someone else's body. Like...likwni want to be someone else," Delilah said softly. "I dont know, its stupid," She shook her head.

"Try talking to dad about it tomorrow. He'll probably know what's up," Remy hugged his sister and left.

How you enjoyed, happy April Fools, have a great day/night ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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