~•♡New School♡•~

444 21 15

Memory loss
Remus mentioning he likes pain

When they woke up the next morning, Patton seemed scared and confused at first.
"No, it's ok," Logan told him softly. "You're ok, you're at home,"
"How do I know you arent tricking me? How do I know this isn't like the movie Overboard?" (Really good movie, dirty, but really good)
"Patton, I'm not lying to you just so you help me take care of my kids. I'm not lying just so I have someone to sleep with, I promise," Logan said calmly. "I would never lie to you,"

"Why cant I remember anything, Logan?" Patton said as tears filled his eyes. "I just want to remember! Remember you! Our children! I know nothing about them,"
"Well...some important notes...Remus and Roman have a romantic relationship, one we both approve of, and Dominic is trans. He used to be a she. Virgil has high anxiety and is a bit clingy at times, mostly to Dominic. Remy, as you may have noticed, has already moved out. The boys are going to a new school in three days because they were getting bullied really bad. All of them are a bit sensitive. You are allergic to cats, that's why we got a dog. Emile is also allergic to cats. Virgil Dominc and Remy are all allergic to peanut butter," Logan told Patton.

He told him a few more things about the kids.
"So...our twins are dating?" Patton asked slowly. Logan nodded.
"Yes. They have been for a bit, but they may have hidden it from us for a while because they were scared of how² we would react," Logan said. "I'm just telling you so you won't be surprised if you walk in on them kissing or anything. They're pretty good about locking the door, though,"


"We havent done anything in like 2 weeks, RoRo!" Remus whined. "I need you!"
"Remus...I'm really not in the mood," Roman sighed. Remus pouted and sat on his lap facing him. He leaned down and cuddled into his twins neck.
"Please?" He asked softly. Roman sighed.
"Re...I'm sorry, but we can't right now," he said after a moment. Remus whined, staying on his lap.
"Then I'm not moving," he mumbled.
"Fine...dad said he's taking us to the store later today,"

"Then I'm staying in your arms until we leave," Remus said firmly. Roman sighed and smiled, holding his twin. Roman laid back on his bed, taking Remus with him. Remus laid on his chest and smiled, closing his eyes.
"Didnt you say you wanted a lip ring?" Roman asked after a moment.
"Yes. And I still do. You think I can convince dad to let me get one?" Remus asked sitting up a bit.

"I think so," Roman said kissing him gently. Remus smiled and stuck his tongue out in a cute manor.

When Logan knocked to make sure they were ready, they both jumped up.
"Dad, can I get a lip ring?" Remus asked.
"Are you sure you want one? It'll hurt," Logan said after a few seconds.
"Yeah. And pain doesnt bother me," Renus said.
"Lucky me," Roman chuckled.

"One, shut up. Two, yes lucky you," Remus said rolling his eyes. "But can I please get one?"
"I guess if you really want one," 

They went to the store to get the kids any school supplies they might need for the new school. It was just before winter break would end.

"What are you guys talking about?" Dominic asked sliding up next to the twins.
"Nothing, shorty," Remus said pushing Dominic away.
"I have a question...do you guys plan on staying together? Start a family or whatever?"

"We...havent really talked about it," Roman said softly.
"Oh...ok," Dominic walked away and the twins looked at eachother.
"Should...should we talk about that?" Remus asked nervously. Roman nodded after a minute.
"We probably should," he sighed.

After the store, Logan took Remus to get his lip pierced like he wanted. It stung a bit but Remus really liked it.
"But now I can't kiss you," Roman pretended to pout. Remus pouted a bit too when he realized Roman was right.

"Make sure to keep it clean," Logan told Remus handing his the small bottle of stuff to clean the piercing.

"I'm seriously so attracted to you right now," Roman mumbled. Remus smiled and looked Roman over teasingly.

That night, the kids had a little meeting.
"We need to make sure some things arent talked about. Like Dominic being trans, our dads being gay, and any of us being gay for now," roman said, standing infront of his brothers
"I'm not gay," Emile said softly.
"You're the only one who likes girls and only girls, kiddo," Dominic smiled.

"And Remus needs to learn that school is not a time to be kissy with me, so I'm limiting his touches at home so he gets used to that,"
"No!" Remus whined crossing his arms. "That's not fair!"
"Yes it is," Roman said flatly with a smirk. "School isnt the time to try and get fu-" Roamn stopped himself.

Dominic couldnt stop laughing and Remus was bright red.
"Try and get what?" Virgil asked.
"N-nothing," Roman stammered quickly. "On another note, I think we should all try to make friends. We don't have Sam anymore, we havent had her for awhile, since her family moved, but we should try to make some friends,"

"But having friends means you have to maintain those friendships," Virgil said softly. "I'm not good with friendships,"
"That's why you have me!" Enile smiled widely and hugged Virgil.

And so, three days later, the boys walked into the school on their first day. Everyone noticed they were new.
"People are staring at us," Virgil hissed, pulling his hood up.
"Its because 5 new kids just walked in," Dominic whispered to him.

They went to the office and signed in, got their schedules and classes and seperated.
"We have the same class, thank god," Remus mumbled to Roman as they walked to their class.


"U-um...h-hi," Dominic mumbled as he stood in front if his class. "M-y name is Dominic,"
"What's with your voice?" Someone in the back row asked. "Why is it so high?"

Dominic stood nervously, holding himself close.
"Leave him alone, jerk," a girl said, slapping the boy upside the head. "He is clearly nervous,"

Dominic took his seat, fiddling a bit.

Emile and Virgil-

"Hi! I'm Emile and this is my brother Virgil," Emile said smiling.
"Hi..." Virgil said softly, hiding behind Emile a bit.
"Tell a bit about yourselves," the teacher said with a warm smile.
"W-well...we have 4 older brothers and a younger brother...I'm a year older then Virgil," Emile said, starting to feel a bit nervous. He felt Virgil gripped his hand and offered a smile.

"Alright, you may sit in any open seat, he teacher told them. They spotted two seats side by side and went to them.

Remus and Roman-

"Twons?" They heard people whisper?
"Hi. I'm Roman and this is my twon brother Remus," Roman said in confident tone.
"I can introduce myself," Remus muttered.
"Then why don't you?"
"No," Remus mumbled shyly.
"Alright, take your seats," the teacher snapped. They quickly sat at an empty table that sat two.

Roamn felt Remus' hand on his knee and held it, leaning over to his ear.
"It's ok," he whispered.
"I don't like being the new kid," he whispered back. Roman had to hold himself back from kissing Remus' cheek.

At lunch, Remus desperately wanted to kiss Roman.
"Please?" He whined
"Not here," Roman said softly. "We don't know anyone and people might be really mean and judgemental,"
"But I miss you," Remus pouted.

"Miss having his dick inside you," Dominic muttered smirking.
"Shut up!" Roman hissed, slapping him upside the head. Dominic laughed and stuck his tongue out teasingly.

1320 words

I am SOOO sorry for the delay on this! I couldnt did a good place to end it and just kept going! AMD every time I thought it was good, I realized I made a mistake and take to fix it, then change things cause it didnt make sense and you know, I'm a mess at this point

But I hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night❤❤

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