~•♡Not again♡•~

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This one was a bit delayed, like I completely forgot to continue writing in this and I am so sorry about that!! But here you go, I hope you enjoy!

Underage smoking
Dysphoria (im an awful speller, sorry if that's spelt wrong)

Patton eventually fell asleep, Virgil and Emile cuddled close to him as they fell asleep. Remus sighed softly from stress as he sat down. He let out a soft surprised noise when Roman sat down on his lap, nuzzling his neck.

"You're so brave," Roman whispered. "And strong," he ran his hand up Remus' chest then back down. "So..." Roman let out a soft breath, not able to finish. He felt so attracted to Remus at that moment for some reason. Maybe it was that he had defended them, maybe not. He wasnt quite sure.

My brain screamed. I ran harder. They're gonna catch you!
No they arent! I won't let them catch me!

I ran harder, breathing heavily as I pushed the branches and leaves away. But one didn't move, and I hit it hard, falling to the ground.

Roman sat up suddenly, shocked. His face hurt, but it was a phantom pain from his dream.
"You ok?" Remus asked softly, stroking his twins hair. Roman had fallen asleep on his lap.
"Yeah...just a weird dream," Roman mumbled, nuzzling into Remus'neck again. He couldnt help take a deep breath, smelling Remus. He smelled so sweet.

"I love you," Roman said softly, arms loosely around Remus' shoulders.
"Love you too, princey," Remus gently kissed Roman's head and smiled at the light blush on his brothers cheeks.

"Remus, Roman," Dominic whispered.
"What?" Remus groaned softly. He didn't want to he disturbed while cuddling his precious brother.

Really, Remus wanted to be able to call him his boyfriend. But they had never put a label on it. Never bothered to, both knowing it would never get anywhere. They were brothers. Twin brothers. No one would allow them to be together later in life. At least they're parents were supportive and allowed them to be together.

"Dad made dinner," Dominic told them. "And he wants you guys to actually eat something,"
"I have all the snacks I need right here," Remus smiled when Roman turned more red
"Shut up!" Roman whined.
"Whatever weirdos, just come on and get something to eat," Dominic said rolling his eyes.

The twins got up, nudging Virgil and Emile awake.
"Dinner," Roman said softly.

Unfortunately, the bullying never stopped. Roman and Remus almost considered...breaking it off between them. Neither of them wanted it but if it meant their brothers might be safer..
"Don't break up, I'm the biggest target for something completely unrelated to you guys," Dominic told then as they walked to school about 2 weeks later. "Being trans, I'm a major target. Virgil gets picked on cause he's quiet and Emile struggles to make friends so he's the "loner" the fact that we get picked on has nothing to do with you guys,"

"I guess," Roman said softly, gently taking Remus' hand. "Just stay safe, ok?" They had to seperate once inside.
"Bye!" Emile said with a clearly fake, forced wide smile as he hugged the twins
"Don't pretend to be happy, kid. You'll exhaust yourself," Remus said ruffling Emiles hair. Emiles smile faded slowly.

"See you guys later," Virgil said, hugging Emiles arm as the you get three walked away.
"Don't mess around in the bathroom, that's what started all of this," Dominic whispered to them as he walked away backwords. Remus gave a teasing middle finger, Dominic giving double birds back, smiling.

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