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Slight incest(roman in the bathroom while Remus is taking a shower)
Memory loss

Patton only remembered a few things, but knew what his family told him. He was easily startled and quiet.
"We have a dog, and she has really missed you," Logan said gently as he helped Patton out of the car. "Her name is Lily, and she may try to jump,"

"O-ok," Patton said softly.
(I just thought of it. Lilypadton, omg....ok I'll leave)

As expected, Lily tried to jump on Patton in excitement. Remus had to hold her collar and give her pets.
"She's really friendly, but loves people a bit too much," Remus smiled.
"She's sweet," Patton smiled softly and knelt down, petting Lily gently.

"I...I remember when we got her," Patton breathed, suddenly remembering that day. "She was just a puppy, a-and jumped on one of the boys. I had to hold her on the way home,"
"That's right," Logan smiled. "Come with me," he took Patton's hand and led him to the bedroom. "This has been our room since we got married. We moved into the house shortly before we got married,"

"I want to remember...to remember all the times with my children, with you..." Patton saidnsoftly in tears. "Why can't I just remember," he let out a soft sob, his knees giving out. Logan rushed to his side, wrapping him up in a tight gentle hug.
"It's ok, it's not your fault," he whispered. "It's going to be alright, you will remember, you remembered how we adopted Lily, that's a start," Igan gently kissed Pattons head, holding him close.

"Do you remember the day we met?" Patton shook his head a bit. "We bumped into eachother at the store...then again at the school. The boys all went there, and we were going to pick then up. Remy and the twins were friends, so we exchanged numbers so we could set up playmates and everything," Logan gently stroked Pattons head as he spoke. "After awhile, I started to fall for you. Then one day, I worked up the nerve to tell you. And you kissed me. And a year later, I asked you to marry me. We were walking in the forest and I sang you a song I wrote," Logan cut himself off. "Wait here, I need to get something," Logan stood and grabbed his guitar from the closet. Since Patton had been in the hospital, Logan had been practicing alot.

Logan sat Patton on the bed and played the song he'd played the day he proposed. To his surprise and excitement, Patton started singing along.
"I...I remember that song," he breathed when it finished. Logan leaned a bit closer, his hand on Pattons cheek.
"May I kiss you, my love?" He asked softly. Patton nodded and kissed Logan back. Logan was gentle, jot wanting to freak the smaller one out too much.
"I wish I could remember," Patton said sadly.
"I know, love. I know," Logan said softly. "You will soon. We just have to be patient. Now that you're home things will be different," Logan kissed his head and stood. "I'm going to get  the boys in bed, you just relax," Logan made sure everyone had showers and washed their hair, making Remus go in a second time to wash his hair.
"Night dad," Virgil said hugging him
"Night buddy," Logan smiled softly. When he realized Roman wasnt around, he sighed.
"Roman, get out of the bathroom," he said knocking. "You'll just distract Remus,"
"Nuh uh!" Roman muttered opening the door a crack.
"Get in bed," Logan said smiling softly.

Roman groaned but listened.

When Logan went back to his and Pattons room, Patton was sound asleep on the bed. Still in his clothes.
Should I leave him or wake him up to change? Logan thought. I could change him on my own...but that night make him uncomfortable...

Logan sighed and gently woke Patton up.
"Is it alright if I help you change?" Logan asked softly. Patton nodded tiredly and koved so it was easy for Logan to take his shirt off.

Once Patton was in his onesie, Logan changed into his pjs and crawled in bed beside his husband, gently putting his arm around his waist to pull him a bit closer.
"I love you so much," Logan whispered gently kissing Pattons head.
"Mm," Patton mumbled cuddling into him a bit

I hope you enjoyed, I am SO sorry for the delay! Motivation and inspiration decided to leave my brain for this story the last week or two, maybe more. I finally decided to cut it a bit short so I was at least posting SOMETHING.

I am currently working on episode two of the gachalife series, so if you want to check that out it is Patton Cake Sanders on YouTube, the pfp is Pattons logo. I hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night!❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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