~•◇The wedding◇•~

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"You guys are getting married?!" Roman Remus and Remy cried when their parents told them the news. They nodded and smiled.

"I told you it would happen! I told you and you didnt believe me!" Remy said to Remus.
"Whatever!" Remus said back. Roman hugged the two happily.

"Do I get to be the flower girl?" Delilah asked softly.
"You're the only one who would want to be, of course you will be," Logan said smiling. Delilah beamed up at them.

The wedding came so quickly. It was the day so suddenly.

"Ok. So I'm taking Virgil Delilah and Emile, and you have the older three, right?" Patton said. Logan nodded.
"See you soon, love," Logan said as he kissed Patton. Patton smiled and he went to get the last few things he needed.

"What are we doing here?" Delilah asked, holding Pattons hand.
"We need to grab the flowers," Patton said. He got them and carefully got them set up in the car. At the place the wedding was, Patton gave the flowers to the girl who was decorating and took the kids to the room he would get ready in.

Patton had chosen to wear a dress, and really liked how it looked on him.

"You look like a princess!" Delilah said smiling. Patton giggled. He helped her get ready and got the toddlers in their little suits.
"Aw, you guys look so cute!" Patton squealed. "I can't believe that I'm marrying Logan today,"

"Now you'll be my daddy, too!" Delilah said happily. Patton smiled and nodded. He brushed delilahs long hair while talking to her a bit and gave her a big, curly ponytail with a flower in it.

"You know what your job is, right?" Patton asked her. Delilah nodded.
"When the music starts, I walk and throw the petals," she said.
"Good girl," Patton said smiling.

"Dad?" Remus' voice came from the door. Patton turned and smiled at Remus' cute little suit.
"What's up, kiddo?" Patton asked.
"Um...I didnt want to be with Remy and Roman...can I stay in here?"
"Of course. Did they say something mean to you?" Patton asked as Remus sat down.

"No...but they arent really being nice either," Remus said.
"Sorry buddy...that really sucks, huh?"


"Re!! Look, I'm a princess!" Delilah said, spinning around. Remus smiled.
"You're a very pretty princess," he said.

"Since when are you such a gentlemen?" Patton asked smiling. Remus shrugged.

"You may kiss the groom,"

Those were the words Patton and Logan had been waiting all day to hear. Logan kissed Patton passionately.

"Wooooo!" Remy and Roman cried happily, clapping. Virgil copied his brothers, clapping though not knowing why. Delilah stood beside Patton, smiling happily. Remus smiled, though he still wasnt in the best mood.

Cake cheered him up quickly.
"How much can we have?" Remy asked.
"Start with one, then maybe you can have a second," Logan said.
"Patton, can I call you dad?" Delilah asked.
"If you want to, i don't have a problem with it sweetie," Patton said. "But don't feel like you have to,"

Logan and Patton had decided not to have a big romantic honeymoon. Instead, they went on a weeklong camping trip with the kids.

Logan got all the supplies and everything into the car as Patton made sure the kids had all their things, blankets, pillows, snacks and that the younger ones had their stuffed animals they'd brought.

"Logie, can you see Emiles puppy back there?" Patton called.
"Umm... oh, yeah, here it is," Logan said. He gave it to the toddler, who let out a happy noise and cuddled it tightly to his chest

By the time the got to the campsite, a little cabin in the woods by a beautiful lake, Delilah Virgil and Emile were all asleep and Remy was dozing off.

"We're here," Logan whispered.
"Yay," Remy said tiredly. Patton smiled and he and Logan each picked up one of the toddlers. They took them inside, Roman following close behind. Once the toddlers were set up all comfy and asleep, Logan carefully got Remy up. Remus arms draped over this shoulders, his head on one shoulder.

"Where are we?" Remy muttered, still half asleep.
"The cabin," Logan said softly. He took Remy inside and could hear Patton unpacking a few things from the car. It was around sunset, maybe 7pm. They'd left a bit later then they would have liked because Remus was playing in the mud and refused to bathe. So they ended up taking a hose to his
(They used the hose to clean him, not beat him in case you were confused)

Patton brought the kids two shared suitcases and set them down. Remus came in and flopped on the bed beside his twin, who was already curled up to sleep.

"Let me get the other things, you just sit down," Logan said kissing Pattons cheek. Patton nodded sleepily and yawned as he sat down. Logan brought the last suitcase in, as well as the cooler. He smiled, seeing that Patton was laid down and falling asleep.

"Today was tiring huh?" Logan whispered as he kissed Patton softly.

Logan made sure the kids were all comfortable and turned the light off, after turning on Virgils nightlight beside his bed.

"Goodnight kids," Logan said softly.
"Night dad," Remus muttered an answer, cuddling next to his brother.

Logan smiled and laid beside Patton, wrapping his arms around his waist.
"I love you," Patton mumbled.
"I love you too," Logan whispered.

Hey, wanna know something kinda funny? I just spent 30 minutes on the Sims 3 (I'm too poor for the Sims 4☹) trying to make this series in the sims. BUT I PRESSED THE STUPID SHUT DOWN BUTTON and it shut down, turning the sims off and deleting all my progress!!! Ligan looked so cool and Patton looked adorable, I was about to move onto Virgil but it shut down and i cried.

Hope you enjoyed, have a great dat/night❤

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