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Emile shook his head in tears.
"S-something happened last night, but I really dont want to talk about it," Emile said softly.
"Ok, but would you like a hug? It might make you feel a little better," his friend said. Emile smiled softly and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks james," Emile smiled.
"No problem," James said.

At lunch, Emile had his head resting on Virgils shoulder as they sat under a tree in the schoolyard. Dominic ran over, seeming almost scared. They didnt think a thing of it until they saw a few older kids chasing him. Dominic gave them a look that said run and they quickly stood and ran with him.
"What's going on?" Virgil asked as he struggled to keep up with his older brothers.
"They know I'm trans and found out about dads being gay," Dominic said panting slightly. "We gotta find Remus and Roman,"

They ran to the back of the school, where they saw the twins sitting in the dark alone.
"Guys!" Dominic screamed. They stood and were surprised when the younger three hid behind them.
"Well lookie here. The tranny, the mistake, the freak and the twincest all in one place," one boy said smirking.

"No wonder you all are freaks, you have two dads," another laughed.
"You shut the fuck about about our dads," Remus growled. "They are the most caring and supportive parents we could ever ask for,"

"Oh yeah, they let their twins make out and they let their daughter think she's a boy. Some parents," the first boy said rolling his eyes. Remus growled and punched him angrily. Roman didnt do anything to stop him and pushed the younger ones away, telling them to get away as quick as they could. They nodded and ran. Remus was fighting the two. Roman pulled him back before he got hurt.

"Our fathers are amazing. Their are just to ignorant to see it," he said softly to Remus.

"Your 'fathers' should die," the first boy said, holding his bloody nose. This made both twins very, very VERY angry. They both lashed out.

When they were walking away, they found Dominic Emile and Virgil around the corner, eyes wide with shock.

"That was awesome!" Virgil said smiling. Remus was almost in tears. He hugged Emile tightly.
"Remus, what's wrong?" Emile asked holding him back. Remus was shaking in anger.

"Those assholes said some really awful things about dads," Roman said. "Let's go inside,"

Inside, they sat by Remus and Roman's lockers. Emile sat between the twins, holding both their hands. Virgil put his head on Dominic shoulder.
"Are we going to lose dad?" He asked softly.
"No," Dominic said. "Dad will be ok..."

But Virgil could tell Dominic only wanted to believe he would be ok.

At the hospital, the doctors started the treatment. Logan stayed with Patton as long as he could, holding his hand.
"Tell my babies I love them, ok?" Patton said softly.
"Of course love," Logan kissed his head, holding his hand tighter. When he had to leave, he went to pick up the kids.

"Is dad doing ok?" Emile immediately asked.
"Yes. He told me to tell you guys how much he loves you all," Logan said.

"Some kids were really mean at lunch," Remus told logan. "They said horrible things about us and you and dad,"

"You didnt hurt them, did you?" Logan asked, eyeing Remus.
"We both beat the shit out of them," Roman said. "But they deserved it,"

At home, Lily jumped on them to play. Virgil and Emile played with her outside for a bit, throwing the ball. Remus flopped face down on the couch, groaning loudly in annoyance. He felt Roman sit on his lower back. Roman leaned down to his ear, whispering lovingly. Then it turned dirty.
"Shut up," Remus whined, covering his face as he blushed. Roman chuckled and kissed his cheek gently.
"Why should I?" He whispered teasingly.
"B-because...because you're gonna make me embarrass myself," Remus mumbled.
"How will I do that?" Roman asked, kissing Remus' cheek.

"J-just get off of me," Remus tried to move but couldn't. He was stuck under Roman.

"Why do you two have to be so dirty all the time?" Dominic asked arms crossed.
"Because we can," Roman said smiling. Dominic rolled his eyes.

"Whatever weirdos," he said as he picked Thomas up and started to leave.
"No! Dominic help me," Remus whined. Dominic turned and smiled.

"Nah I'm good," he said before walking away

"Dominic!" Remus shrieked. Roman moved a bit, and Remus took the chance to sit up as much as he could. He knocked Roman down onto his back, and Remus pinned him down.

"Oh, so now you're the top?" Roman asked smirking.
"You saying I cant be?" Remus asked, looking down at Roman.
"No, I dont think you can,"

"We'll see about that," Remus growled smirking.

(Sorry, I was just writing a bit in my one shot book and was in a slightly smutty mood... you know, comic relief. Something kinda funny. Idk, shut up)

Days turned into weeks.

Weeks turned into months.

And it seemed that Patton was getting worse. The kids were terrfied of losing him.

"Dad...if...if dad does die, what'll happen to Remus Emile and I?" Roman asked Logan about 3 months later.
"I will fight to keep you all," Logan told him. "But stay positive. Your siblings need it right now," Roman nodded.

Remus and Roman tried to assure the others it would be ok. That everything would be alright.

That this was just a bump in the road.

But it wasnt.

It wasnt just a bump.

It was a tree that had fallen.

A tree blocking their path.

There was no way around it. Their father was dying.

And none of then were ready to accept that.

Ok lovelies! Here is the next chapter! It has been over 24 hours since I posted the poll of whether Patton lives or dies, but I will not be saying the answer.

I hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night!❤🧡💛💚💙💜

Love you! Mwah! (That was a kiss, idk I'm an idiot)

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