2. Who hurt you Mingkwan?

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      "Good evening nong", a cheerful voice stopped Ming on his tracks in his dorm hallway.

      Ming smiled to himself as he recognized the cheerful voice.

      "Hello, P'Forth", Ming greeted his senior politely, who was standing in front of his another senior's room, which was just two rooms away from his room in the same dorm building.

      "Hello, P'Lam", Ming greeted Lam, Forth's friend .

      Lam nodded in return and pushed Forth by his shoulder.

      "Now that the campus moon is here, go annoy him and leave me alone", Lam said irritated.

      Forth glared at his friend and turned to Ming again.

     "Have you had your dinner, nong?", Forth asked Ming.

     "Hmm..well.. errr..", Ming scratched his head thinking. He dint have dinner yet. He was hungry but not in mood to eat now.

     Meantime Forth waved to Lam and walked towards Ming.

    "Come on..lets have dinner", Forth slapped Ming's shoulder making him flinch a little.

    "But P'Forth..I..", Ming started to deny the invitation rubbing the place where Forth had slapped him.

     "Just give me company if you had already eaten", Forth threw his hand over Ming's shoulder and pulled him out.

     Ming went along with Forth reluctantly and settled himself across the table in a nearby food stall. Forth ordered dinner for himself and Ming, while Ming sat lost in his seat. Forth studied Ming's troubled face but chose to keep silent as he dint want to be nosy. Seeing the frown on Ming's face made Forth have second thoughts on  forcing Ming to have dinner with him.

     Ming moved a little and looked at the table when their orders were placed on the table. He raised his eyebrows confused and looked at Forth.

     "I ordered for you too assuming you dint have dinner yet", Forth said calmly and Ming frowned more, "I can finish two bowls easily if you had already had your dinner. I have a good metabolism, you know", Forth shrugged making Ming chuckle.

     Ming took his spoon and started digging into the food with a small smile. Forth smiled at his junior and started eating his dinner.

    "How did the photo shoot go?", Forth asked breaking the silence between them.

     "Terrible P", Ming whined, "Its not even an year yet and I am already regretting being the campus moon", Ming complained pouting,

     "Oiiii you are the pride of our faculty. Face of our university . Of course you have certain responsibilities", Forth said with utmost seriousness.

     Ming scoffed knowing how his senior was. Forth was the most responsible person he had ever met. He was always calm, composed and level headed. He was fun to be around, actually very much fun to be around. Forth's drinking parties were always the best. But this man had an air of maturity and dominance around him that anyone who approached him would immediately take a step back and respect him without any reservation.

      "P'Forth! You really need to chill sometimes", Ming heaved a sigh.

     Now Forth scoffed knowing how his junior was. Unlike himself Ming was laid back kind of guy. He was always cheerful, easygoing and loud. He was funny and easy to approach. He was charming and smooth that girls swarmed around him like bees, including the senior girls in the university. And this brat enjoyed every attention he received. Also the rumours on the loooong list of Ming's ex-girlfriends dint fail to escape Forth's ears.

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