22. I will remember your face!

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AN: Hi all...I hope you are all happy with the last chapter...so now for the current chapter, I am going to ask you to go back to my another story 'Man up, Beam!'.

I have referenced to few scenes from 'Man up, Beam!' Chapter 19 in this chapter and I am going to reference chapter 20 of 'Man up, Beam!' for the next chapter.

So I would suggest you to check out chapter 19 and 20 of 'Man up, Beam!. I promise this is the last time I ask you to do this.


  Lam cleared his throat as he looked at Forth unamused. He cleared his throat a little loudly to get the attention of his friend but almost everyone around him except Forth looked at him. Lam heaved a sigh and smiled apologetically at everyone. He slowly raised his hand and waved at Forth who still dint spare a glance towards him. Win, his senior by two years who was the leading the sports meet, glared at him and stopped talking as he turned towards Forth. He crossed his hands in front of his chest and smiled calmly at Forth.

     Lam gulped as he knew what that calm smile meant. His senior may give out a very warm and polite vibe, but he was as scary as every other engineering student, not to mention he was their Hazer during their freshman year. He can't save Forth now. Win had already noticed Forth and Ming many times now.

      Completely unaware or considering Forth's nature, completely ignoring the surroundings, Forth was busy standing near Ming and stroking Ming's hair fondly. Ming who was sitting on the bench near Forth was grinning ear to ear as he whispered something to Forth.

      "N'Forth..N'Ming..", Win called sweetly.

      Forth and Ming turned towards Win as they heard their names being called.

    "How sweet..", Win smiled, "If both of you are done eye-fucking each other, can you concentrate on the game plan here? We have a game to win in half an hour, remember?", Win said coldly.

    Forth nodded with a shrug and Ming blinked a few times before nodding fast giving his puppy eyes and charming smile.

     Win closed his eyes for few seconds and took a deep breath before continuing to explain the game plan again. They were having basketball match with Business faculty in half an hour as part of the first day of annual sports meet. Lam had let Jay handle the track events instead of him, as he had to play for engineering team today. Likewise one of their senior was replacing Forth at the admin building.

     Lam huffed as he looked at Forth to find him leaning against Ming, having his left hand over Ming's shoulder now. Ming was listening to Win but his left hand was playing with Forth's fingers which lay near his face on his shoulder. Lam and his friends had already became used to this sight after Forth announced suddenly that he was dating Ming.

      Forth and Ming were too touchy with each other all the time. They never bothered about where they were or who they were with.

     Forth never cared about what others think about him. He was straightforward and very bold. If he wanted to do something, he would just do it no matter what. And he did the same when he was with Ming. Forth would always have his left hand around Ming's waist or on Ming's lap or use it to stroke Ming's hair while he used his right hand to eat or write or do anything else. If Ming was near him, then his full attention would be towards Ming only and his left hand would never leave Ming for even a second.

      Whereas Ming, he was outright shameless and too clingy to Forth. He would be all over Forth every time he was with Forth. He was very generous with his touches and pecks towards Forth. Even if Forth was busy, Ming would find ways to distract him until Forth gave him his full attention. He was too whipped with Forth that, even the slightest care or praise from Forth would make him giggle happily. And Forth would always play along with whatever Ming did. He never stopped Ming for anything anywhere.

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