9. Are you ashamed?

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      Ming slowly opened one of his eyes and peeked at the sleeping figure near him. He noticed the steady breathing from Forth and let out a relieved sigh. He observed Forth's face closely under the dim brightness coming from the street light through the balcony door. Those thick eyebrows, pointed nose, plump lips, sharp jawline...

      "Hufff..How can he sleep peacefully near me while I am getting hornier every minute?", Ming breathed out annoyed averting his gaze from Forth to the ceiling.

     Looking at Forth longer just aggravated Ming more. Especially the firm biceps and hard abs were driving Ming crazy. And not to mention those long slender fingers of Forth. Every time the rough fingers brushed against his skin, Ming burned in desire.

      Ming closed his eyes tightly and shook his head trying to clear his head off his dirty thoughts.

      'Shit! I must have been really pent up all these months to have become this desperate', Ming berated himself.

     Forth had stayed with him all through the day taking care of his every need. Ming tried pleading, begging, threatening and even scolding. But Forth was more stubborn than him and refused to leave him alone. Forth had taken care of him like he was a two-year-old kid. Ming would never admit it aloud but he liked the way Forth pampered him.

     Ming was still shocked at how Forth directly asked him to be his boyfriend that evening.

     "I...I don't know", Ming had answered Forth confused.

     Forth had just smiled and nodded, "It's okay. I understand. I wont push you", he told gently, "and there is no need to feel guilty about anything. It's not your fault too".

     When Ming still looked troubled, Forth made him look at him and said, "Last night was the best sex I have ever had. It was too good as I said and I enjoyed it a lot", Forth had winked making Ming blush red.

    Ming tried to move away but Forth just pulled him close by his waist, "And about doing it again. Of course I would love to but when you are sober and stronger again".

    "As if I would let you", Ming had pushed Forth and ran into bathroom hiding his flustered face.

    After that Forth dint talk about it at all. Ming wondered if Forth was serious or just kidding when he asked Ming to be his boyfriend. He thought may be the responsible nature of Forth made him ask that and to his surprise Ming felt a little disappointed that Forth dint push further on the topic.

     Ming turned to his right again and looked at Forth. Forth had been adamant in spending the night in Ming's room promising that he won't try anything. But to be honest it was Ming who was unreliable here. He tried to close his eyes but failed again and again as his eyes acted as though they had their own brain which made them stay glued to Forth.

     Ming looked at Forth's right hand which was resting on the bed in between them. He licked his lips seeing those protruding veins on the back of Forth's palm. His hands were itching to touch and feel those veins. He wanted that hand to grab his waist roughly again. He wanted that hand to run through his hairs and pull it harshly.

     Before he could realize what he was doing, Ming extended his hand and touched Forth's hand. He trailed his index finger on the vein in Forth's hand from his finger till his wrist. Seeing no movement from Forth, Ming got bolder and tried to catch that fat vein with his index finger and thumb playfully. Next moment the hand moved suddenly and just like Ming wanted, it grabbed his waist and pulled him close roughly.

      Ming gasped in shock and blinked nervously as Forth stared at him completely awake. Ming gulped feeling Forth's warm breath on his cheeks and his lips just inches away from Forth's lips. Both started at each other for a long time until Forth took a deep breath and his hand relaxed on Ming's waist. His eyes softened and he moved his left hand under Ming's head. He pulled Ming closer and took Ming's left hand and placing it across his own waist. He covered Ming properly with the duvet and started stroking his hair.

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