1. Lonely

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AN: Hi guys, How are you all? Here is my first chapter on ForthMing. I am starting the story after Beam announces that he is dating Kit in Kit's room much to the surprise of Phana, Ming and Kit himself. 

So lets see how Ming copes up with the heartbreak !! Happy reading!!


              Ming stepped out of Wayo's room and closed the door behind him. The fake smile that he had plastered on his face faded away as he stood alone in the empty hallway. Ming heaved a sigh and took small steps towards the stairs. He dint want to go from there. He wanted to be with Wayo but he couldn't do that because his bestfriend since school, had a boyfriend now and they needed their time together.

             If there was one thing that Ming hated the most in life, it was being alone or being left alone. He dint like being alone. He needed people around him always. And this moment, he was feeling very lonely and sad. He wished he could stay with Wayo for some more time but dismissed the thought immediately from his mind and exited Wayo's dorm.

             Ming reached the parking lot and unlocked his car. He sat in the driving seat and placed his bag on the passenger seat when his eyes fell on the box of KitKat chocolates. He extended his hand and reached for box slowly. He took out a chocolate and looked at it sadly. He caressed the chocolate with his thumb for some time and placed it back into the box without eating it. He took the box and threw it on the back seat and rested his head on the steering. He took a deep breath and started his car.

           Ming was the only son to his parents and he was born eleven years after their marriage. So naturally he became the apple of their eye, not only for his parents but also for the entire Daichapanya household. He was the only heir of the Daichapanya Industries which owned the major share of Automobile industry in the country. He was cherished by everyone in the family which included those who worked at his house.

       Ming's parents were both working. His mother was one of the directors of Daichapanya Industries and she had a habit of taking Ming everywhere she went. That's how Ming became interested in Engineering. His father wanted him to take business but he was still happy when Ming chose Engineering. It was always Ming's choice anyway. Right from his toys to clothes to school or car, everything was given to Ming before he could ask for it and all he received were best of the bests.

        For the first time in his life, Ming wanted to have something which he considered more lovely and precious. It was his P'KitKat. He dint notice Kit much during school days because he was busy dating pretty girls. But after meeting Kit at the university, he became curious which turned out to be an interest and before he knew what was happening, he was falling for Kit.

           Ming was charming and handsome. No one could resist Ming that easily. Not to mention those pouting lips and puppy eyes. Ming was never scolded or punished by anyone in his life. Not at home or at school. The only person who resisted Ming was Kit and that excited Ming more. He wanted to win over Kit and make him his boyfriend.

       Ming had to put a lot of effort to just take Kit out for a meal. And when everything was falling in place and he was that close to get Kit, Beam had barged between them claiming that he was dating Kit. It was unacceptable. Beam was player and Kit was his friend. Ming could not accept the fact that he was indeed there as a witness when Beam announced he was dating Kit and Kit nodded.

      Kit fucking nodded in affirmation!!

      It was like Ming's favourite toy got stolen right in front of his eyes.

     "Yes, P'Beam stole P'Kit from me", Ming whined to himself.

        He yelled inside the car in frustration. He stepped on the accelerator and sped through the road like a raging bull. He was not in the mood to think rationally or wait like Wayo suggested. He was not that type of person and he was not used to waiting. He always got what he wanted and as soon as he wanted.

        Waiting sucks!!

         Ming slammed his palm on the steering ignoring the pain it gave. He was angry. Angry with himself, with Kit, with Beam, with Phana, with Wayo and with everyone in the world. No one seemed to understand what he wanted.

         Ming slowed down when he reached his dorm and parked his car in front of the dorm. He took his bag and stepped out of the car. He inhaled the fresh air and tried to calm his chaotic mind. In spite of all the frustration and anger, Ming just couldn't hate Kit or Beam. He knew for sure, if Kit or Beam came in front of him and uttered a simple sorry, he would give in and let Kit go.

     Wayo had already warned him about Kit and Beam. Ming felt that may be because of those warnings, he was always prepared for something like this to happen. It hurt and he dint knew who to turn to for comfort.

     "Good evening nong", a cheerful voice stopped Ming on his tracks in his dorm hallway.

      Ming smiled to himself as he recognized the cheerful voice. He slowly turned and gave a bright smile to his senior, P'Forth.


AN : Okay! That's it for the first chapter. I hope this is a good start. Please comment and vote if you liked it.

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