10. Confused

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          Ming let out an irritated sigh and threw his phone on the bed. He paced to and fro in front of his bed trying to calm down his agitated mind. His stomach let out a loud growl and he rolled his eyes annoyed. He was hungry and tried. He hadn't eaten anything since last evening and hadn't slept a wink too. He reached the kitchen counter and rummaged through the shelves for food. He found an instant noodle packet and closed the shelf door in frustration.

     Ming opened the fridge and took out a water bottle. He uncapped the bottle and raised his hand to take a sip but his hand froze mid way as an image of pair of glaring eyes flashed in his mind. Ming placed the bottle on the kitchen counter and closed his eyes tightly.

     "No no no..don't think..don't think", Ming chanted to himself shaking his head violently.

    But the image of a particular person kept crawling back to his mind again and again. Ming opened his eyes and looked around the room. It was everywhere, literally everywhere.

    Forth drinking water near fridge, Forth cooking at the kitchen counter, Forth arranging the table, Forth lying on the bed, Forth smoking at the balcony, Forth, Forth, Forth, Forth..Forth..Forth..

    "God!!!! Go away", Ming screamed in desperation.

     Ming had sat frozen on his bed for a long time after Forth had left the room last evening. He dint know what to do after Forth had stormed out. But the hurt look on Forth's eyes troubled Ming more. Even though it was for a few seconds, Ming was sure he saw a glint of sadness pass through Forth's face when he asked Ming if he was ashamed.

     Ming reached his bed and took his mobile. He unlocked it and clicked on contacts. His thumb hovered over Forth's name but yet again, for the thousandth time probably, Ming threw his phone on the bed defeated.

    Forth was in his room for just two days. But that two days Ming had forgotten about everything in his life. He had forgotten his friend, his studies, his heartbreak, everything. Only after Forth had left, Ming realized what was happening to him. In fact Ming dint even realize anything until he got a call from Wayo the previous night asking if he had locked himself in the room because Kit rejected him.

     Ming was stunned because he had completely forgotten about Kit. Not once had he thought about Kit in those two days. It was like the entire world was shut off completely from Ming's mind and he could see only Forth. All he could think was about how Forth smiled, how Forth laughed, how Forth touched and how Forth took care of him these two days.

    That morning when Ming had received a call from Kit, he nearly threw his phone in mortification. He had spent days and nights expecting one call or one message from Kit. But when it actually happened, he was so scared and guilty that he dint have the courage to answer the call and talk to Kit. Kit called twice and Ming left both go unanswered.

    Ming fell on his bed feeling weak. He was sad, confused and worried. But he was not sure because of whom he was feeling all these. Ming had been in relationship with many in the past. But he had never felt this confused before. It was always simple, date if he was interested or break up. But now he was not even in a relationship with anyone and he was confused as hell.

    "Shit this sucks..", Ming mumbled in irritation.

    He reached for his phone when he heard his message tone and unlocked it.

     Yo: I am bringing you lunch. You better open the door if you want to have a door in one piece.

      Ming chuckled at his friend's message and got up from the bed to freshen up. Half an hour later he opened the door for Wayo to enter who glared at him as soon as he stepped into the room. Wayo looked at Ming from head to toe and heaved a relieved sigh. He placed the packed lunch on the table and engulfed Ming into a tight hug.

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