17. Being a gentleman sucks!

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       Forth sat near Lam and looked around the club room. His classes were done for the day and he had not seen Ming since morning. After Ming sulked at the canteen last time, Forth made sure he got Ming's schedule memorized correctly. Ming had continuous classes today and he was busy even during lunch time. Forth waited at the canteen to see Ming but when Ming dint turn up, he ordered Pizzas to be delivered to Ming's classroom for him and his friends.

       Forth let out a sigh and tapped his fingers on the table getting bored. He missed Ming and wanted to at least see him for the day. But seems that luck was not on his side today, as Ming was not at the Robotics club too. He hoped Ming missed him too like he missed Ming. But he knew he can't demand that from Ming yet.

      'Ahhh..I shouldn't have promised to wait. I should have tied him up in my room when I had the chance. Being a gentleman suckssss!!', Forth groaned internally.

     "Forth..", Lam called looking pissed.

     "Hmmm..", Forth just hummed in response without actually paying attention.

     "Stop doing that", Lam said irritated.

    "Hmmm..", Forth hummed again mindlessly.

    "I said STOP! Asshole!" Lam snapped making Forth turn towards him.

    "What?", he asked confused.

     "That..stop tapping your fingers on the table. Its annoying", Lam said irritated.

     Forth just glared and tapped his fingers fast making more noise.

     "Jerk", Lam smacked Forth on his head, "Why don't you go and see him, instead of sitting here and irritating me?"

      Forth pouted and looked down at the table.

     "Geezzz!! Don't make that face dude. I gonna puke now", Lam cringed at Forth's pouting face.

    Forth glared at Lam and opened his mouth to scold him, when Lam shoved a bunch a papers to him.

     "Since you are here already, why don't you make yourself useful and arrange those according to date?", Lam asked.

     "I am not a member of this club", Forth groaned.

      Lam raised his eyebrows and glared at Forth.

      "Alright..", Forth grumbled and focused on the papers at his hand, while Lam left to check other works. He would rather concentrate on something else than torturing himself by thinking about Ming.

      Soon Forth became engrossed in his work when the door opened and Ming walked in with his usual charming smile.

       "Hey handsome!", Ming called sweetly as soon as he noticed Forth sitting alone at the table.

        Forth's heart leaped in joy as Ming walked towards him with a gorgeous smile. He tried to maintain his straight face but failed miserably when Ming waved at him. Forth waved back giving his best smile, praying that he doesn't seem too eager.

        Ming sat near Forth and leaned close, "Missed me?", he asked and Forth nodded like a kid.

        Ming chuckled, "Me too and thanks for the Pizza P", he said.

        Forth shrugged when they heard a stern voice near them.

       "You are late N'Ming", Lam said resting his hands on the table.

        "I am sorry P'Lam", Ming grinned and Lam rolled his eyes annoyed. He wanted to scold Ming but Forth glared at him silently asking him to back off.

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