11. Most Favourite Junior

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      Forth looked at Ming who was sitting at the table across him with a small smile. Ming was trying earnestly to pick out the green capsicums from his breakfast plate. Forth observed the furrowed eyebrows, long eyelashes and pink lips which Ming was chewing as he focused on his mission. Forth extended his arm and tapped on Ming's head with the back of a spoon. Ming jerked rubbing his head and looked at Forth pouting. Forth raised his eyebrows like asking 'what?'.

     "I don't like bell peppers", Ming frowned.

    "Stop acting like a child and finish the food completely", Forth said sternly.

    "Tsk..you are very strict. My father is way better than you P", Ming complained.

    "Yeah?", Forth smirked, "Try calling me daddy and I will let you pick out the peppers".

      Ming choked on his food and glared at Forth turning pink. Forth laughed at Ming's flustered face and passed a glass of water to Ming. Ming calmed himself and drank the water quietly.

      "Are you going to attend the class today?", Forth asked calmly.

     Ming nodded his head, "I have already missed classes for two days. Also, I have an important lab today, so I cant skip it P".

      "I will drop you to your dorm after breakfast. Can you wait till I get ready?", Forth asked.

      "I can walk P'Forth. I am staying in the next building only", Ming said but Forth shook his head as no.

      "I will drop you and wait till you get changed. Then I will drop you to your class", Forth said with a smile.

      Ming blinked at Forth uncertainly, "But I can go by myself. I have my car", Ming retorted.

     Forth just shrugged without any explanation, "Get used to my bike", he said.

     "But why?", Ming asked confused.

     "Because that's what boyfriends do", Forth said nonchalantly.

     Ming gaped at Forth who just smiled in return.

    "I know that you haven't agreed to be my boyfriend yet. But that doesn't mean that I am going to stop pursuing you. So start getting used to me from now on. Because I am not going to stop until you agree", Forth said looking straight into Ming's eyes.

     "P'Forth..I..", Ming looked troubled.

      "I know you like someone else. Kit, right?", Forth asked softly.

       Ming looked at Forth in shock and nodded slowly.

      "I also know I am not your type", Forth continued, "I understand you are confused and hesitant now. So I am not going to demand an answer from you. So don't worry".

      "But P'Forth..", Ming started again but Forth raised his hand and stopped him.

      "You need not say anything Ming. I am not going force you to like me", Forth said with a reassuring smile, "and I am not going to court you, unless you want me to".

       Ming raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You won't court me? Then how? I mean..", Ming frowned in confusion.

      Forth chuckled and stood up from his chair. He sat on his bed and tapped on his side looking at Ming. Ming hesitated a little but got up from his chair and sat near Forth on the bed.

      "Ming, tell me honestly", Forth took Ming's left hand in his and looked serious, "How was the two days you spent with me?"

     "It was good", Ming said slowly. He looked at his hand locked in between Forth's hands and raised his head to look at Forth, "I was happy".

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