25. Don't loose him

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AN: Hi all...I am starting this chapter where Forth Ming and his friends go to have dinner with Phana and his gang after winning basketball match against medical. I have referenced a cute moment between Beam and Kit from my another story, 'Man up, Beam!'. But you need not go and read it from my another story as I just referenced it here to show how Ming and Forth see the scene.

Also hey do check out my babe's prijongsuk story 'They did it's.


       Forth added more grilled chicken to Ming's plate and watched his favorite junior munch away the food happily. Ming liked chicken very much and he could eat a whole chicken without a hitch but still would pout saying he is not full yet. Forth smiled as he watched Ming teasing Wayo mercilessly along with his friends making the poor kid get flustered. He shook his head amused and checked the grill when he noticed Phana looking at him with a smirk.

     "What?", Forth asked clearing his throat.

     Phana shrugged his shoulder and returned the question with a smug smile, "What?".

     Forth rolled his eyes annoyed. The usual cold and dense friend of his was surprisingly noticing things recently. After winning the basketball match against medical, Forth demanded steak as dinner from Phana. He hoped the dinner would clear things between them and resolve the misunderstandings between them regarding Wayo. Obviously, he missed his stupid friend more than he thought he would.

       Forth had already noticed the sly grin Phana gave when he worried over Ming's hurt ankle. He knew Phana understood his feelings for Ming. So, the dinner was a perfect opportunity to show Phana that he had zero interest in Wayo now. And Forth need not have to put much effort to prove this as his natural instincts towards Ming came handy in stating the obvious.

       Phana noticed Forth's every gesture towards Ming all through the dinner. Forth sat close to Ming and had his left hand resting on the back rest of Ming's chair. He paid attention to Ming's food and drinks every now and then making sure he was eating comfortably. He involved Ming in every discussion he had with his friends or Phana's friends so that Ming don't feel left out. Above all, Forth made sure there was no awkwardness at all between Ming, Beam and Kit. He was subtle yet attentive. For someone who doesn't know Forth, they would think it as, just a senior taking care of his junior. But Phana knew Forth better to understand what was happening actually.

     "Not a word Pha. I warn you", Forth said looking directly at Phana.

     Phana chuckled, "It's so much fun to watch. God!! So, this is what it looks like when the great Forth Jaturapoom is whipped for someone. Wowww!!", Phana whispered amused.

     "Shut up asshole", Forth hissed.

     "Alright, jokes apart. Are you serious about Ming?", Phana asked softly.

     Forth nodded, "More serious than I have ever been"

     Phana smiled, "How did this happen?", he asked curious.

     Forth leaned forward and nodded his head asking Phana to come closer. Phana leaned closer curious.

     "Not telling you", Forth whispered seriously and Phana smacked him on his head annoyed.

     Forth laughed aloud rubbing his head slowly.

    "Jerk. Won't you tell me?", Phana asked glaring.

    "Say sorry first", Forth said coolly.

    "Woww..get lost bastard", Phana scolded.

     Forth shrugged and looked away. But curiosity was eating Phana, that he poked Forth's hand.

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