23. Just sleep..only cuddles..

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AN: Okay, I am starting this chapter assuming that you all have checked chapter 20 of my another story, 'Man up, Beam!'. I am not going to elaborate on what Beam and Ming talked in this chapter.

If you want to know what Beam and Ming discussed, then I suggest you to read chapter 20 of 'Man up, Beam!' before reading this...happy reading 😊😊

And do check out my babe's prijongsuk story "They did it".

     "Let me have a look", Forth heard Beam's voice and turned towards him.

      He looked at Beam thoughtfully. It was not like Forth dint trust Beam but he was just reluctant to let go off of Ming when he was hurt. He lowered his eyes to find Beam holding Kit's hand protectively behind him. Forth smiled to himself at that gesture feeling a little relieved.

      Forth nodded after Phana insisted on letting Beam check Ming. He took a deep breath and placed Ming's leg back on the floor carefully. He stood up and took two steps back letting Beam check Ming. Forth observed Ming's face and frowned with clenched fists every time Ming winced in pain when Beam touched his bruise again and again.

     "Just a light sprain. He needs ice pack", Beam said after few minutes, "Can you walk?", he asked turning towards Ming.

      Ming nodded and tried to stand up but Forth moved forward quickly and held him down.

     "I will carry you", Forth said calmly with a smile.

     "No..no P'Forth. I can walk", Ming said embarrassed hiding his shy smile.

     "Mingkwan..you are hurt now..listen to what I say", Forth said sternly and squatted in front of Ming giving his back to Ming.

     "But I...I am heavy..", Ming mumbled blushing hard and Forth turned to look at him sharply.

     "Don't worry Nong. Forth is strong enough. Aren't you Forth?", Lam said sarcastically.

     "Yes..Ming. Let P'Forth help you. You can't walk right now.", Wayo said nodding fast.

      Ming blinked at Wayo and averted his gaze feeling guilty. He still dint tell Wayo about him dating Forth and he dint have the courage to tell him any time soon. Lam chuckled in amusement looking at Ming's shy face. He understood Ming's close friend had no clue about what Ming was doing with Forth behind his back. And it was entertaining to watch.

      Forth nudged Ming's knee and Ming reluctantly scooted closer to Forth to get on his back. Meantime Beam pulled Kit with him possessively and walked out of the stadium, followed by Phana dragging the worried Wayo.

     Forth stood up slowly, hooking his hands under Ming's legs. Ming wrapped his hands around Forth's neck. He heaved a relieved sigh and rested his chin on Forth's shoulder.

      "Does it hurt a lot?", Forth asked Ming.

     "Hmmm...a little...", Ming said with a pout and Forth gritted his teeth again trying to control the raising temper in his heart.

     "I will go take care of the other events. Jay cant manage alone", Lam waved at them and left as Forth started to walk carrying Ming.

     "Am I heavy, babe?", Ming asked Forth.

     "Yes..you are", Forth said without hesitation.

      Ming smacked on Forth's arm annoyed, "You are supposed say 'no love..you are lighter than the air'", Ming whined.

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