21. Let's date

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      Forth observed the pale face carefully. Ming's eyes were puffy and swollen red with dark circles. The cheeks had patches of dried tears. The lips were quivering nonstop even though Ming had stopped crying.

    Forth pulled Ming near and turned him to his left so that both sat facing each other with their knees touching. Forth took Ming's hands in his and stroked them softly. Ming swallowed hard trying to not cry again. He had been crying all night these three days and the only comfort he had was Forth's jacket in bed which helped him sleep for at least few hours.

    Ming could feel the burning gaze from Forth. He felt his cheeks getting heated and he tried to shift back uncomfortably. But Forth gripped on his hands tightly more like a warning than refusing to let go.

     "What happened?", Forth's calm deep voice pulled like him like a magnet, "Did someone say anything stupid to you?", he asked.

     Ming shook his head and looked at Forth troubled. He was sure he was going to spill out everything if he heard that gentle tone once more.

     "Do I make you feel uncomfortable? Don't you like being with me?", Forth asked nervously.

     Ming shook his head again.

     "Is..is this somehow related to Kit?", Forth asked hesitantly.

     Ming shook his head more violently, "I cleared things with P'Kit today. I..I don't have feelings for him anymore".

    "Really?", Forth asked hopefully, "In that case, you don't have anyone in your heart now?"

      Again Ming shook his head and Forth raised his eyebrows puzzled.

     "I..I like you", Ming whispered almost inaudibly.

      "What? What did you say?", Forth asked with racing heart.

     "I like you P'Forth", Ming said looking directly at Forth.

     Forth froze in shock. He eyes widened and his jaw dropped low. Ming blushed and lowered his eyes from Forth.

      "Then why did you avoid me?", Forth asked confused.

     "Because I am scared", Ming replied.

     "Of what?", Forth asked with a frown, "What are you scared about? Tell me and I will make it disappear", Forth said gently.

      "Its me..", Ming gulped, "I am scared of myself".

     "What?", Forth asked perplexed, "What are you talking about?"

     "I am scared because I am a bad person P'Forth. I am terrible...", tears ran down those beautiful eyes again.

    "You are not, love. Why do you think so?", Forth asked caressing Ming's knuckles, "Ming don't talk in riddles. I don't understand anything. Why don't you say directly what the problem is?", Forth asked feeling lost.

     "I like you P'Forth", Ming sobbed, "a lot.. and its..its..", Ming stuttered.

     "Is that a bad thing? Are you confused by your feelings?", Forth asked, "What is it? Are you feeling terrible for liking me now?", his tone changed to being annoyed now.

     "No..its not that", Ming replied getting agitated.

     "Then what's the problem in liking me?", Forth asked loosing patience.

     "Because I will grow out of these feelings eventually and will like another person without any regret", Ming yelled in frustration.

     "What the fuck!! Say that again..How dare you?", Forth griped on Ming's hands and jerked him forward roughly.

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