6. Do it right!

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AN: Warning :18+. The chapter contains mature content. Proceed at your own risk or skip the chapter if uninterested.

I am not very much aware of how to write scenes on how drunk people behave. Esp when they have drunk sex. So I have just written the chapter as per my imagination..so happy reading 🙈🙈


    Loosing control wasn't something Forth was a fan of. He liked everything to be in order and under control, specifically under his control including himself. But the close proximity between Ming and himself had not only made him loose control but also made him want more.

    Forth released Ming's lips and moved his head back alarmed. He expected a punch or at least a yell from Ming. But Ming was just kneeling crouched in front of him stunned with his hands still on Forth's collar and thigh. Forth wanted to reach out and touch those soft cheeks and red lips. But something in Ming's eyes made Forth hesitate. Ming blinked a few times looking at Forth.

     Forth cleared his throat once, "Hmmm Ming..", Forth called slowly.

     "Do it again", Ming said bluntly making Forth's eyes widen in surprise, "and do it right", he continued.

    Now Forth sat frozen on his spot. Before Forth could react, Ming moved his hand from Forth's collar to his neck and kissed him. He titled his head to the right and pushed Forth back making him fall on the floor. Forth grabbed Ming's waist and pulled him close on top of him returning the kiss passionately. Neither seemed to slow down the kiss as they tried to dominate each other. Both held each other tightly and moved in sync.

     "Now, that's how you do it", Ming grinned after pulling away from the kiss.

    Forth tried to calm down his breathing and pushed Ming back, "Ya, got it..now get up..".

     Ming shook his head, "Once more..", and again without giving a second for Forth to react, Ming kissed him again.

     Forth closed his eyes and reciprocated the kiss with equal intensity. He ran his hand through Ming's hair and pulled it slightly making Ming gasp for a second. Taking advantage of the moment, Forth slid his tongue into Ming's mouth and Ming sucked on it eagerly. If Forth's kiss was rough and dominating, then Ming's kiss was desperate and possessive. Forth was getting aroused with just the kisses from Ming.

    Unable to stop himself anymore, Forth pulled Ming closer and rolled on the floor. Now Forth was on top while Ming lay on the floor, panting underneath him.

     "Shit, did you have to break the kiss like this?", Ming glared, "It was too good", he said pouting.

     Forth almost closed the gap between them wanting to bite those pouting lips but composed himself, "Nong..", he started.

     "Ming..its Ming..not Nong", Ming interrupted as he slid his hands around Forth's neck pulling him closer.

    "Yeah Ming..listen..you are drunk..", Forth said and Ming pecked on his lips nodding fast.

    "We are drunk..", Ming pecked again nodding but now with a smile.

    Forth huffed getting annoyed, "So we need to stop before things escal..Ming..", Forth yelled as Ming pushed him aside and rolled them on the floor hovering over Forth now.

     Forth looked at Ming in shock. He dint expect Ming to tackle him that easily, no one had ever succeeded doing that to Forth. But Ming had handled him easily. Ming smirked at Forth's shocked face.

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