30. Family time..

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      It was a lazy and cozy evening at Forth's room. Ming lay cuddled in Forth's arms, his head resting on Forth's chest and his hand on Forth's stomach. Forth had his left hand playing with Ming's hair as usual and his right hand was below his head on the pillow.

      "Babe, what is that?", Ming asked pointing to one of the shelves.

      "Hmm? Which one?", Forth looked across the room.

      "That blue one..", Ming said pointing to the blue box.

      "That's my piggy bank", Forth said moving his left hand to Ming's nape and caressing the soft skin.

     Ming chuckled and raised his head to look at Forth, "Piggy bank? Really babe? How old are you?", Ming asked with mocking smile.

      "Close to twenty. So what? Cant I have a piggy bank?", Forth rolled his eyes.

      "What are you saving up for anyway?", Ming asked curious.

     "I promised my niece a new party house and my nephew a gaming console", Forth said with a smile.

     "You can just use your card for that, remember?", Ming chuckled.

      "That's my parents' money. Not mine", Forth reasoned.

     Ming blinked at Forth puzzled, "What's the difference?"

     "Such a spoiled pampered baby, aren't you?", Forth pinched Ming's nose.

     "What? No..", Ming said annoyed, "I am not spoiled. That's Wayo. Not me. It's just I have never had the need to save money, for myself or for anyone else".

     Forth nodded with a smile, "Hmmm...I am saving money so I could buy them what they need from my earnings. Its satisfying, you know? To see them smile happily when I give them the gifts when I visit them", Forth said with a dreamy voice and Ming looked at him mesmerized.

     "What do you do to earn money? I am not aware of you working any part time jobs", Ming asked confused.

     "Ahhh..I don't work part time. I do projects for our university with Lam and Sharp. I started it out of interest in school with Lam and I got paid for that. So I continued that after joining the university too", Forth explained.

     "Oh..woowww..", Ming nodded amazed, "Do you always save money like this for your basic needs too?"

     "Hmmm..sometimes, yes", Forth replied.

     "What about your Ducati bike? Did you buy that too from your savings?", he asked in surprise.

     "Hmmm not really..that bike is too expensive. I worked at my father's company during my high school holidays. I got paid for that which I saved. Then my mom paid half the amount as my high school graduation gift. For rest of the money, I am still saving to pay back my father. I have to save more as I want buy parts for my bike later.", Forth said casually.

     Ming blinked as he listened to Forth. Here he was who fought with his mother to get a sports bike and there was Forth who earned himself the bike. The difference was vast and it again scared Ming again.

     Forth turned towards his night stand and pulled open the first draw. He pulled out a photo frame and showed it to Ming.

     "Is that your family P?", Ming asked pointing to the photo frame.

     "Yeah..the picture was taken on my Mom's birthday", Forth said caressing the frame.

     Ming raised his head again from Forth's chest and looked at Forth who had his focus on the frame with a lovely smile.

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