5. Irresistible

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       Ming took out his room key from his pant pocket and looked at Forth pouting. Forth rolled his eyes and opened his right hand palm in front of Ming. Ming looked at the open palm and shook his head still pouting. Forth huffed and tried to reach for the room key while Ming hid it behind his back.

       "Seriously?", Forth glared at Ming now, "Open the door and get inside".

       "Why?", Ming whined, "I want to drink more. I just had a few shots and P'Pha dragged me out. You are supposed to save me from him and take me to drink more"

      "You are already tipsy enough nong. Come on, give me the key", Forth stepped closer to Ming but Ming moved back.

      "Mingkwan! Give me the key now", Forth said in a stern voice.

      "No", Ming said in a same tone.

      Forth took a deep breath and moved closer to Ming. Ming jumped back and raised his hand over his head. Forth looked above Ming's head unamused.

     "Do you really think I cant reach your hand? I am as tall as you", Forth said skeptically.

     "But..P'Forth..", Ming started but Forth moved quickly and grabbed the key from Ming's hand which made both stumbled back.

      Ming was already a little drunk and the sudden movement from Forth made him loose his balance. Thankfully he was near the wall that he got pushed against the wall and Forth crashed against him.

     "Shit", Forth cursed and looked at Ming's face, "Are you hurt Nong?", he asked with concern and moved himself back.

     Ming chuckled and shook his head. Forth glared at him again and opened Ming's room. He stepped inside the room while Ming tiptoed quietly away from the room. Next moment, Ming felt a hand grab the collar of his tshirt at the back of his neck and pull him inside the room.

    "Ahh..P'Forth..", Ming yelled and stumbled inside the room.

     "Where do you think you are going?", Forth asked as he blasted the door close and switched on the lights near the door.

     Ming twirled around unsteadily and looked at Forth irritated. Forth looked at Ming angrily and pulled him near his fridge. He opened the fridge and took out a water bottle.

     "Drink this and go to bed. You have classes to attend tomorrow morning", Forth said and shoved the bottle towards Ming.

     Ming shook his head fast, pushed Forth aside and peered into the fridge. He took out a bottle and showed it to Forth with a wide grin.

    "What the..", Forth looked surprised, "Why do you have this in your dorm room?".

     "For emergency situations", Ming winked, "like this...".

     Forth crossed his hands against his chest and glared at Ming.

     "Oh come on P. Don't act as if you don't have these in your room", Ming complained.

     "Beer..I have only beer bottles in my fridge. Not a fucking whiskey bottle", Forth said exasperated.

     "How boring!", Ming exclaimed and Forth flicked his forehead without hesitation.

      "Ouch P!", Ming rubbed his forehead where Forth flicked.

     "Give me the bottle and go to bed", Forth ordered.

     "No. Let's drink P'Forth", Ming moved to the shelf and took out two glasses.

   "No..I said no drinking..means no drinking", Forth said strictly.

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