18. Smooth P'Forth!

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     Forth hated himself. He hated himself for making Ming sad. Seeing the tears on those beautiful deep eyes, made Forth want to punch himself. He had vowed to himself that he would never let Ming get sad but unfortunately for some unknown reason he had made Ming cry.

    Forth raised his hand and tried to wipe off the tears from Ming's cheeks. But Ming pushed away Forth's hand glaring.

     "What did I do, love?", Forth asked softly.

      And again, that tender tone from Forth made Ming weak and he sniffled looking away from Forth.

     "Hey...look at me", Forth called making Ming turn to him, "Don't hurt yourself and let me know what I did wrong. I won't repeat it", he assured.

     "Really?", Ming asked wiping his tears.

     Forth nodded and moved closer to Ming carefully.

    "Do you still have feelings for Yo?", Ming asked directly.

     Forth raised his eyebrows in surprise

     "What? No..I don't", Forth denied quickly, "What are you talking about Ming?"

     "Tell me the truth P", Ming asked looking straight into Forth's eyes.

      "I don't lie Ming", Forth said firmly, "I don't have feelings for him. I have told you this already".

      Ming observed Forth's face carefully without replying anything.

     "It's not just an endearment for me when I call you love. I mean it every time I call you that", Forth clarified.

     "Then what was that smile back there?", Ming snapped in annoyance.

      Forth gaped in surprise at the sudden outburst from Ming. Ming was definitely not joking when he had told that it won't be pretty when he got jealous. 'Damn!..', Forth thought worried.

     "I was just being polite, Ming", Forth tried to explain.

     "Why do you have to be polite to someone else's boyfriend?", Ming gritted his teeth.

     Forth let out a sigh, "Because he is one of my close friend's boyfriend. I can't be rude to him, Ming. I dont have any reason to be impolite towards him. And he is not the only person I am polite to", Forth reasoned.

     "Yeah? Fine..then what about ruffling the hair fondly? Do you do that to many too?", Ming asked staring in anger.

      Forth gulped and looked nervous. It was a just a reflex action which he did without thinking much.

     "I am sorry. I won't do that again. Promise", Forth apologized.

     Ming continued to glare at him while Forth shifted uncomfortably.  Forth understood he had messed up. He would have reacted the same way if he saw Ming being sweet to Kit.

     "Hey, I am sorry na. I won't repeat that. Come on..  forgive me please", Forth caressed Ming's cheek slowly.

      Ming scoffed and looked away. Forth held Ming's chin and pulled it towards him.

      "He is my friend's boyfriend and that's as far as he could get near me. What kind of person do you take me for?", Forth asked disappointed, "I don't steal other people's boyfriend".

     Ming blinked as he dint mean it that way. He was just...

    "And he is your best friend. How will you react if I act coldly towards him? And...", Forth cleared his throat with a smile which looked like a blush for Ming, "Jay said for a healthy and smooth relationship you need to be on the good side of your boyfriend's bestfriend, No?", Forth asked caressing his thumb on Ming's lower lip.

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