12. Curious eyes

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       Forth rolled his pen in between his fingers as he gave a bored expression. It was the first class right after lunch and Forth was already bored. He looked around the class to find sharp already dozing off and Jay playing games in his mobile under the table while Lam was making doodles in his notebook. Forth smiled at his friends and looked out of the window at the playground. Few students were playing football, few were cheering them, few were chatting happily and few were studying.

     It had been a week since Ming agreed to be his 'most favourite junior', and Forth was on cloud nine literally since then. He would meet Ming daily for a few minutes like he promised. They would sit and chat about how each other's day was or just have a cup of coffee at the canteen or they would meet at the Robotics club which Forth would visit just to see Ming or Forth would take Ming for breakfast or dinner according to each other's schedule. Altogether it was a pleasant week for Forth.

     Taking things slow was not something Forth was used to and he was getting impatient as each day passed by. Having Ming close at his arm's length and yet unable to touch him was nothing less than a torture for him. And to top it all, the brat was always surrounded by girls all the time, juniors, friends, seniors and even female professors adored him too much. Forth wanted to choke everyone who touched his Ming casually but he knew better that he would ruin his only chance if he let his possessive self out.

    Forth huffed in annoyance and shook his head when Ming passed by his classroom. Forth straightened himself in his chair and looked around the classroom carefully. The professor was writing something seriously on the marker board. Forth slowly closed his books and grabbed his bike keys when Lam turned to him and looked doubtfully. Forth grinned mischievously and stood up from his chair. Lam looked at him surprised and started to say something but Forth placed his finger on his lips asking him to be quiet.

     "Take care of my attendance", Forth whispered and tiptoed out of the classroom.

     Lam blinked few times and faceplamed himself knowing what Forth was doing.

    Forth ran fast across the hallway and turned right to find Ming walking towards the library. He stopped and took deep breaths to compose himself.

     "Mingkwan..", Forth called Ming casually as if he dint run like maniac half a minute before.

      Ming looked around and smiled brightly seeing Forth. He waited on the stairs till Forth caught up with him.

     "Hi P'Forth..what are you doing here? Don't you have class?", Ming asked.

      Forth smiled, "Nothing important", he shrugged and walked past Ming, "What about you?"

    "My afternoon classes were canceled suddenly P", Ming smiled and walked beside Forth.

    "Oh...so, where were you going?", Forth asked.

    "Library P", Ming replied.

    "Library? Really?", Forth raised his eyebrows amused, "I dint know the campus moon had a habit of going to library"

    Ming chuckled, "of course I don't. Wayo asked for few books. So, I promised I will get him those".

    "Hmmm", Forth smiled thinking how to make Ming stay with him longer but Ming beat him to it first.

    "So what plans for today P'Forth?", Ming asked.

    "Nothing..as of now", Forth paused, "but I can plan if you want to go somewhere..anywhere".

    Ming stopped on his tracks and looked at Forth, "Like where?"

    Forth thought for some time and looked at Ming with a smile, "somewhere interesting but are you sure you don't have any other plans for today, until late night?".

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