19. Realization

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      AN : Hi everyone....thank you so  much for the overwhelming response you showed for this story...I am glad you are liking the story so far 😊😊

      This chapter is going to be descriptive in nature and will focus on Ming's feelings. So this is going to be little sad. I wanted to skip this chapter but I decided against it because I thought Ming's thoughts and feelings must be analysed correctly so that we understand his hesitation better...

    So here we go, a chapter on Ming's thoughts and feelings... I hope this chapter doesnt bore you or slow down the pace of the story 😊😊


      Ming stood under the shower with his eyes closed and his hands resting against the wall. He dint know how long he stood there as the warm water had started to turn cold. But Ming made no attempt to move away from the water as he tried to chase away the thoughts that had been eating away his mind like a parasite.

     Forth had dropped Ming to his dorm earlier that evening. But there was no teasing smile or tender gaze or the usual 'see you soon love', from Forth. Forth had left with a faint smile and a wave. The tears that Ming held within with great difficulty, poured down his cheeks as soon as Forth's bike disappeared from his eyes. The tears dint seem to stop anytime soon because Ming could still feel the hot tears running down his face along with the water from shower.

      Ming straightened himself with a heavy sigh and turned off the shower. He exited the bathroom and wore his clothes. He took his towel and stepped out at the balcony. He started drying his wet hair when he noticed a small piece of burnt cigarette on the floor at the corner of the balcony. Again, before Ming could stop, the tears rushed out of his eyes. Ming tried to wipe off the tears vehemently but it just resulted in a faint sob.

      Ming rushed inside and buried himself under the duvet on the bed. He dint knew why he was crying but he couldn't just stop himself from crying. He felt very weak and scared. He remembered how Forth stepped back from him when he received the call from Kit. He sat up on his bed and took his phone. He knew he couldn't postpone this anymore.

     Kit had called him and messaged him a few times asking if they could meet. But he never answered the call or his messages. He dint mean to ignore Kit or hate him. He was just adamant. He had this gaint ego that forbid him from facing rejection. But thinking back, Ming wondered if he would really be heartbroken when he meet Kit.

     Ming was not dumb. He understood very clearly that Kit had chosen Beam over him. This was the first and only relationship which ended even before it started for Ming. He knew exactly what Kit would say when they meet. He would apologize and accept that he likes Beam. This was not new for Ming. Ming had already gone through several heartbreaks and he had survived every time and in no time he would have a new girlfriend.

      It was never that difficult for Ming because he didn't have to put too much effort to get himself  a girlfriend. Just a smile and he would be surrounded by girls. He just had to choose the one who got his interest. Ming had dated various types of girls. In fact, Ming dint have a preferred type at all. If the girl was pretty and polite, then he would flirt with her without hesitation.

     Ming remembered his first girlfriend. He was very young and was very obsessed with that girl. She was beautiful and studious. Ming felt like he was in heaven during the days he dated her. It was cute and innocent between them. But she started to get more demanding and Ming couldn't cope up with it. And just like that the relationship ended. After that it was all the same. The initial days would be like heaven which would slowly turn to hell.

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