28. Taken

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AN: Warning :18+. The chapter contains mature content. Proceed at your own risk or skip the chapter if uninterested.


       Ming gave a faint smile as he stood in front of the mirror in Forth's room drying his wet hair. Forth sat at the edge of his bed with his eyes fixed on Ming. Ming was aware of Forth's gaze on him but he dint have the courage to look at Forth in his eyes. He felt his whole body become a jelly whenever he met with Forth's powerful eyes.

      Ming felt extremely shy and even that was surprising because Ming never felt shy during or after sex. But just a hand job by Forth and Ming was already a blushing mess. He clutched the towel tightly when he saw Forth getting up from the bed. He tried to calm down his breathing so that he doesn't embarrass himself like an inexperienced amateur in front of Forth. But just a faint brush on his lower back from Forth's fingers were enough to make him go weak on his knees.

      Forth trailed his fingers along Ming's spine making him squirm under his touch. Ming could feel the warm breath at the back of his neck as Forth closed the distance between them. He felt a soft kiss on his nape followed by a low growl from Forth. Ming dropped the towel he was holding and clenched his fists tightly.

     Forth observed every reaction on Ming's body. He ran his hands across Ming's back and skimmed it over his shoulder. He admired every inch of Ming's bare back as he started kissing his neck and shoulder. He slid his hand across Ming's waist and pulled him back making Ming's back bump against his chest. He heard a light gasp from Ming and felt Ming's hand spreading over his own hand which rested on Ming's stomach.

     Forth's kisses started to intensify and his hands started wandering all over Ming's body. Ming titled his head to the right letting Forth move freely over his neck. Forth snuggled closer to Ming and tightened his grip around Ming waist. Ming arched his back and rested the back of his head on Forth's shoulder as Forth's lips started sucking on his skin.

     Ming opened his eyes and faced the ceiling when he felt Forth's erection rubbing against his ass. He bit his lower lip as Forth pulled him more closer as if it was possible. Forth nibbled Ming's earlobe and moved his hand further down from Ming's stomach. Ming closed his eyes again tightly when Forth yanked away the towel that was wrapped around Ming's waist.

      The towel flew across the room and landed on the floor. Ming shivered when Forth's hands grazed on his thigh and moved closer to his groin. He opened his eyes and it landed on the mirror in front of them. He averted his eyes immediately as he saw Forth watching him through the mirror. He gasped when Forth's teeth sink on his shoulder harshly.

     Ming looked back at the mirror hesitantly when Forth moved his hand over his hard member. He held his breath and closed his eyes again unable to see Forth's hands palming his member slowly. The magnitude of harsh kisses on his neck and soft strokes on his member were so contradictory to each other that it made Ming impatient and desperate.

     Forth moved his finger to the tip of Ming's member making Ming moan loudly. He watched Ming's every tiny reaction through the mirror and gave a satisfied smile. Ming whimpered in annoyance when Forth released his member suddenly after few seconds. He leaned forward and turned his head to look at Forth but Forth twirled him around with such force that Ming almost lost his balance. But Forth's strong hands held him in place and pulled him close.

      Ming lowered his eyes from Forth as Forth pulled him towards the bed after pulling away the towel from his own waist. Forth pushed him on to the bed and bent down to kiss Ming's kneecap. He moved his lips on Ming's inner thigh which trembled when Forth licked on it in a dangerously slow pace. He kissed all over the thigh grabbing it tightly.

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