24. Don't get hurt..

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     Forth lit his cigarette and leaned against the bar counter relaxing himself. He ordered a beer for himself and had his eyes focused at the entrance of the bar. He dint have to wait for long as the person he was waiting for came striding into the bar with two of his friends.

    Forth gave a faint smile and waited patiently in spite of the burning fury inside him. He wanted to smash that red head to the ground so badly. But he chose to wait for the right time.

     Forth knew these kinds of guys well. There was no need to provoke these guys to fight. They not only caused trouble but they also looked for trouble all the time. So, just like Forth had expected, Mike walked towards Forth as soon as he spotted him.

    "Well...well !! What's the lion doing outside its den...alone..", Mike smirked at Forth.

     Forth got off the bar stool and stood leaning against the bar counter sipping his beer coolly.

      "Hmmm...how's that cutie? Heard he got a sprained ankle", Mike chuckled, "ahhh...how weak... just a small bump and he went rolling down just like a basket ball", Mike mocked coming closer to Forth.

     Forth smiled and continued sipping his beer without bothering to answer Mike. Forth's cool attitude irritated Mike more and he leaned closer to Forth.

     "He is cute. I would throw a million to carry him on my back. Although I prefer him on my lap", Mike whispered hovering his face in front of Forth's face.

     And that was all Forth needed to get triggered. He placed the beer bottle on the counter so that he doesnt smash it on the red head causing grave injuries. Forth threw his cigarette on the ground and crushed it under his shoes.

      "Watch your mouth, Mike", Forth hissed.

      "Awww...is that how you prefer him too? What else he does to you? Hmmm?", Mike smirked again and Forth moved swiftly punching the guy square on jaw.

    Mike stumbled back in shock and fell down on the floor. His friends who stood two steps behind him came charging at Forth. Forth kicked on one of the guy's stomach even before he reached him and turned towards the another guy. He blocked the hand of the another guy and punched him continously for a few times on his stomach.

     "Fuck!!", Mike stood up wiping the blood from his torn lips.
      He glared at Forth and tried to punch Forth. But Forth was too quick for him as he moved swiftly and caught his hand twisting it behind his back. Forth stood behind Mike and tightened his grip on Mike's wrist making him wince in pain. Mike tried to elbow Forth on his face using his left hand but Forth dodged it cleverly and kicked on his leg at the back of his knee.

     Mike lost his balance and kneeled on the floor while Forth still had his hand twisted behind his back. Forth observed his surroundings and noticed that by now the guards had started coming towards them. He had to act fast or else he would miss this opportunity.

    "Hurts?", Forth bent down and hissed near Mike's ear, "Does it hurt?"

     "Yeah...Fuck!!", Mike yelped as Forth twisted his hand more.

     "Then you should know that it would hurt for others too. Bastard!! You are lucky today that I dont have much time. But..", Forth paused and observed the guards again, "I have enough time to give you a warning", Forth hissed and straightened himself again.

    Forth supported himself on his left leg and moved his right leg towards Mike's right leg. He raised his right leg and stomped on Mike's ankle with so much force. Mike yelled as severe pain surged through his leg. Forth released his hand and pushed him on to the floor. Meantime one of Mike's friends caught him from behind but Forth just jerked his hands off and kicked him again on his stomach making him fall back on the floor.

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