31. Stupid Mingkwan!!

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AN: OMG 😲😲 10.6K reads on 'The Comfort(h)'...thank u so much everyone...I dint expect so much positive response in wattpad when I started writing...I am so grateful and motivated..Thank you for all the love and support you guys show for my story...love u all ♥️♥️♥️♥️


      Ming parked his car at the engineering parking lot when his phone started ringing loudly. He pulled out his phone to see that the call was from his friend Wayo.

      "Where the hell are you right now?", Wayo yelled as soon as Ming answered the call.

     "At my faculty. What happened? Are you okay?", Ming asked worried.

     "Haaa..", Wayo scoffed, "Come to my faculty. We need to talk", Wayo said bluntly.

     "Yo what happened? I am having my class in another 10 minutes", Ming replied.

     "Mingkwan Daichapanya, get your fucking ass down here in five minutes if you don't want me to send my father's ninjas to drag you here by force", Wayo threatened with his sweet voice.

      "Alright, calm down. I will be there in five minutes", Ming said perplexed.

     "Good..a minute late and I will make sure to make it difficult for even your parents to identify your dead body", Wayo disconnected the call and Ming frowned in confusion.

     Ming drove towards science faculty and messaged Wayo that he would meet him at their canteen. He parked his car and reached the canteen to find Wayo already waiting for him.

     "Yo, what happened? Are you okay? Did someone bully you?", Ming sat across Wayo looking worried.

      Wayo glared at Ming and threw his phone at him. Ming caught the phone surprised and looked at Wayo puzzled.

    "Unlock it", Wayo said coldly.

     Ming knew Wayo's passcode, it was Phana's birth year. He unlocked the phone and it opened to Wayo's social media account. Ming's eyes widened and he looked at Wayo flustered.

     "So, how do you explain that?", Wayo asked staring coldly, "Is that a coincidence too? Like other times when you were asking for help? Hmmm? What is it?", Wayo raised his eyebrows slowly raising his voice, "Taking lessons from P'Forth on how to kiss? You bastard!", Wayo yelled in anger.

     Ming gulped and lowered his head embarrassed. Despite the tight situation he was in, Ming couldn't help but admire the picture of him kissing Forth near his dorm entrance. The picture was taken when Forth dropped him to his dorm and Ming kissed him goodnight. The angle was perfect that one could clearly see the happy smile on Ming's face. He smiled unconsciously and Wayo banged on the table irritated.

     "You are smiling? How dare you? How long has this been happening?", Wayo asked in frustration.

     Ming put up his two fingers on his right hand and chewed his lips nervously.

     "Two days?", Wayo asked and Ming shook his head.

      "Two weeks?", Wayo asked and Ming shook his head again.

     "Two..two months?", Wayo asked in shock and Ming nodded his head slowly.

     Wayo sat stunned at the table while Ming fidgeted with his tie nervously.

     "I am dating P'Forth since past two months", Ming said in a low whisper with his head lowered in guilt.

     Wayo scratched his forehead in frustration, "Tell me everything. Every single thing. Then I will decide on the best way to kill you.".

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