13. Things we do for love

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      Ming stood gaping in awe as he looked around the field. He took two wide steps and stood near the fence taking in the environment around him. It had been a long time since he had stepped near the field and his adrenaline was already pumping high. Ming gripped on the fence as Forth came and stood near him. He looked at Forth with a wide grin and Forth chuckled in amusement.

      Forth raised his eyebrows and signed him with his chin to follow him. Ming followed Forth silently looking around the field with excitement. They reached the office building and Forth entered followed by Ming.

     "Yo man..look who is here", a tall muscled guy made a bro fist with Forth as he yelled to other members about Forth's arrival.

     Soon they were surrounded by nearly ten to fifteen men who were as tall and as muscled as the first one. Ming was introduced as Forth's friend and junior and he was welcomed with a loud cheer, fist bumps and even chest bumps with bro hugs. Ming looked around him carefully and those tattoos, piercing and smoke around him made Ming have second thoughts on having followed Forth without asking questions. Ming shifted uncomfortably while he felt a strong hand land on his shoulder. He looked at his right side to see Forth give him a reassuring smile which made feel at ease in seconds.

     After having a quick chat with everyone, Forth pulled Ming with him and walked to the far east corner. They exited the building and walked to the backyard to find a large garage. Forth pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked the garage. He switched on the lights and went near the object that was covered with a fine quality polyester oxford fabric. Forth unzipped the covered and pulled off the cover.

    Ming held his breath as he looked at the Ducati 1299 Panigale bike standing majestically at the center of the room. Forth looked at Ming and signaled him to come closer with his hand. Ming walked slowly towards the bike and stood near Forth looking amazed. His eyes wandered over the bike memorizing every inch of the beast.

    "Can I touch her?", Ming asked Forth in a whisper.

    Forth raised his eyebrows in surprise. His other friends often referred to his bike as 'it', except Lam. When Ming referred to his bike as 'her', Forth was indeed impressed. After all, she was his 'baby'. Forth smiled and nodded to Ming.

     Ming wiped his right hand on his pant and slowly touched the bike. He let out a heavy breath as his fingers glided on the smooth painted bike. He had always wanted a sports bike. He loved racing, but his mother dint. He was her only child and literally a child for her no matter how old he was. When she came to know about Ming racing, she went hysterical and banned him from touching any kind of bike. Ming had been adamant and refused to eat for two whole days. But eventually he gave in and his mother won as he couldn't see his mother shedding tears.

      Forth observed how Ming touched his baby with pure delight in his eyes. There was so much admiration and excitement in Ming's eyes which made Forth's heart leap in joy. He hated the sullen expression Ming had few days back. Seeing the wide smile on Ming's face just strengthened the resolve in Forth's heart to keep Ming happy, no matter what it took. He would even kill to maintain that smile on Ming's face.

    "Are you racing today, P'Forth?", Ming asked to Forth.

    Forth remained silent as he stood mesmerized by Ming. Ming cleared his throat to get Forth's attention.

    "Hmm P'Forth..", Ming called again turning pink.

    Forth slowly realized that Ming was calling him and smiled at himself for acting so whipped.

    "Yes Ming, what do you want?", Forth asked.

    "Hmm are you racing today?", Ming asked averting his gaze from Forth.

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