15. Innocent Flirting

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     Ming took slow and deep breaths as cool breeze hit his face. He was wearing Forth's leather jacket which had a faint smell of Forth's cologne and cigarette. He pulled the jacket close to his nose and smelled it again with satisfaction. He pulled the jacket against his chest even though it was not much cold. He raised his eyes and looked at the right-side mirror which showed Forth's eyes clearly while his face was completely hidden under the helmet.

     It was close to midnight and Forth was driving at a moderate speed. After dinner and few beers Forth noticed that Ming was starting to feel tipsy so he took his leave with Ming. Ming was enjoying his friends' company well and Forth liked it. Ming was neither awkward nor intimidated by his boys. He was comfortable and indulged himself into the conversations with everyone with ease.

     Ming looked at Forth's broad shoulders. Forth's engineering jacket was fluttering in the wind and his biceps were flexing as he drove. Ming scooted closer to Forth and placed his hands on those wide shoulders. He could feel the hard muscles under the clothes. He was tipsy but was sober enough to know what he was doing. Forth observed Ming through the mirror but remained silent with a small smile.

    Ming trailed his hands from Forth's shoulders down his back. He pressed the tips of his fingers against the clothes to feel the muscles underneath. He moved his hands to the sides of Forth's waist and rested it there clutching Forth's jacket. He raised his eyes to look at Forth through the mirror and smiled when he saw Forth looking at him. Somehow Forth's eyes made him gain more courage and he wrapped his hands around Forth's waist.

     Forth looked down at the hands that were hugging his waist. He placed his left hand on Ming's left hand and caressed it softly. He pulled the hands closer making Ming to hug him tightly. Ming smiled contentedly as Forth intertwined their left-hand fingers. Ming slowly leaned against Forth's back and rested his head on Forth's shoulder as Forth continued to drive with just his right hand.

     The bike ride ended in another fifteen minutes much to the disappointment of Ming. He remained seated behind Forth not wanting to leave Forth's embrace. Forth took off his helmet and placed it on the tank. He placed his right hand too on Ming's hand like hugging both his hands. He turned his head slightly to check if Ming was sleeping.

      "Ming..", Forth called softly.

      "Hmmm...", Ming just hummed in response.

     "We are in front of your dorm", Forth said.

     "I know P. I can see", Ming said annoyed.

    "Okay..", Forth smiled and remained quiet for another two minutes waiting for Ming to say something.

    Ming slowly raised his head and placed his chin on Forth's shoulder. Forth again turned his head and looked at Ming. Ming's face was so close to Forth's face that Forth could feel Ming's heavy breathing on his cheek.

    "Should I go?", Ming asked in a whisper nuzzling his nose against Forth's cheek.

    Forth pulled Ming's right hand from his waist and placed a soft kiss on the knuckles. The warm breath from Ming was making him loose control again. He wanted to grab Ming close and bite that button nose which was nuzzling his face. But he didn't want the history to repeat again between them. So, he would take things slow as promised.

     "Yes", Forth replied forcing a smile.

     "Why?", Ming whined with a pout and Forth took a deep breath to control himself.

     "Because you won't be safe with me", Forth said and placed another soft kiss on Ming's palm now.

    Ming closed his eyes and buried his head against Forth's shoulder, "Is that bad?", he asked griping Forth's tshirt near his stomach.

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