14. Racing bike and Thumping heart

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      Forth stood tensed near the track fence as he looked at the racers getting ready. His heart was beating wildly and he was starting sweat in nervousness. He had not even felt this tensed during his first race. But seeing Ming at the start line brought out a strange fear in his heart. He knew Ming was capable and he trusted his friends that they would not turn this race ugly. But in spite of those, he was worried about Ming.

    Forth cursed himself for acting impulsive and letting Ming race. It had been a year since Ming raced and what if he had lost touch.

   'Oh God! I would never forgive myself', Forth grumbled to himself.

     By now Forth had completely forgotten about his baby bike and his sole focus was on the rider. Also by now Forth had accepted the fact that he was completely doomed and this time he would never move on if he lost Ming. It was only a short time but the feelings he experienced in the past few days were nothing like he had experienced before. They were fresh and addictive. He had never been desperate for anything or anyone before, like he was for Ming now.

     Forth held his breath as the race began and the bikes sped past him like bullets. He focused on the track as his eyes followed Ming every second. The frown on Forth's face deepened as Ming started raising the speed. His heart beat was speeding more than the bikes on the track.

     But soon Forth's frown turned into a faint smile as he started liking Ming's strategy. Ming was indeed smart and cautious on the track. He glided smoothly on the road as he gained more speed and started overtaking other riders. Forth started cheering loudly as Ming was nearing the first five racers. He couldn't stop himself from shouting and yelling Ming's name as Ming gained even more speed. He was squealing and jumping shamelessly like a teenage girl near the fence.

     Ming had his full concentration on the track ahead. He didn't want to win this race. He just wanted to race. He had never wanted to be a racer or have racing as his career. It was his passion and his most favourite hobby. Just driving the majestic bike and speeding it on the track was enough to make Ming's heart dance with happiness. He just focused on the finish line and continued riding the bike to his heart's content. As soon as he crossed the finish line and stopped his bike, he was engulfed into tight hugs and pats on his shoulders with lots of praises and applauds. Only then Ming realized that he had finished the race in second place.

     Ming stood frozen for few seconds before turning and looking around for Forth. He found Forth standing in a distance with a wide smile on his face. As soon as Ming spotted Forth, he ran towards Forth happily and jumped on him laughing. Forth caught him with ease as Ming wrapped his legs around Forth's waist. Ming threw his arms around Forth's neck and hugged him tightly as Forth held him close with a proud grin.

      "P'Forth..did you see? Did you? I came second..", Ming asked excitedly as he pulled away from the hug.

    "Yes love...you were awesome", Forth replied laughing along with Ming.

    "Really? Yaaayyyy", Ming yelled as he hugged Forth again.

    Forth caressed Ming's head fondly while Ming realized that he was hugging Forth like a Koala. Both were stunned at their position and slowly Forth let Ming down. Ming cleared his throat and he took two steps away from Forth. He felt embarrassed by his immature behavior but Forth was grinning widely. Ming looked around the field feeling awkward while Forth pulled Ming close by his suit and slid his hand around Ming's waist.

    Forth chuckled and ruffled Ming's hair softly, "You were too good on the track. I am so proud of you"

    Ming felt his heart swelling with strange feelings. He averted his gaze to the ground and mumbled a low thank you. Forth released Ming as his friends started walking towards them. Bright reached them first and congratulated Ming.

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