20. Terrible person.

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AN: Hi all...This note is to clarify few things on the last chapter. I wrote the chapter 19, aiming to make us understand better about Ming, but I guess I confused everyone. 😳😳

       So the summary of last chapter is that Ming had dated many girls but he just realized that he dint fall in love with any of his ex. It was just admiration or curiosity or respect or good friendship which he thought was love as he genuinely cared for all of his ex. This includes Kit too. He was curious and felt challenged about Kit according to my story.

       Regarding Forth, Ming feels the same towards Forth, like respect, admiration etc etc. So he is confused and scared to pursue Forth. Hence he decided to stop things with Forth, so that he doesnt end up hurting Forth.

     Now coming to this current chapter, I have referenced to the scene where Kit comes to meet Ming at engineering faculty canteen. Since the chapter is done in my another story, 'Man up, Beam!', I haven't included the details here. So, if there is anyone who had not read that other book, I suggest you to please read chapter 16 and 17(actual conversation btw Kit and Ming) from 'Man up, Beam!'  before reading below.


       Forth looked around the table and tried to concentrate on the conversation going on. But he just couldn't focus on anything when his love life was in jeopardy. It has been three days since he had seen Ming after the kiss they shared at the classroom. Forth had gone to pick up Ming the next day morning from his dorm as Ming's car was in the university but Ming had already left for the university.

      Ever since that kiss and he sulked like a kid, Ming had been avoiding him like a plague. They were in the same faculty and just two classrooms away but he could not see Ming at all. Forth had eyes everywhere around the campus and he knew exactly where Ming was. But every time Ming escaped from him before he could reach the spot.

       Ming had changed his timings when he came and left the college. Forth waited in front of Ming's dorm continuously for two hours but still that brat dint show up at all. In those three days, twice Forth caught him sneaking around the campus but both the times Ming escaped from him giving the lamest excuses possible. Once he had to meet a professor and another time he had to go pee urgently. Seriously!!!

      Forth heaved a sigh and clenched his fists on the table. If it was anyone else, he would have kicked them to oblivion for treating him like this. But he loved Ming and he cant even think about hurting a hair on Ming's body, not to mention those pearl like tears which softened Forth every single time. He had become such a sucker for Ming's attention that these three days without Ming was a hell for Forth.

      "Forth, is this okay for you? Can you manage?", Forth heard his senior's voice next to him.

    "Yeah..yes P'Win, I will manage", Forth answered immediately even though he had no clue about what Win had asked.

      Lam glared at Forth and shook his head unamused. Phana who was sitting next to Lam looked at Forth confused. Forth took a deep breath and lowered his head sadly. He wanted to go from there. He wanted to be at the canteen. If not near Ming, at least he wanted to be at a distance and observe what was happening. Forth knew that would be very cheap but he couldn't help but have such thoughts. He dint like at all that Ming was having a conversation with Kit at their canteen.

      Forth dint expect Kit to tag along with Phana when he came to attend the meeting at engineering campus for the annual sports meet. When Kit had asked about Ming, Forth hesitated a little feeling insecure. Ming avoiding him after that call from Kit made Forth have unnecessary imaginations. He was sure Kit liked Beam and he would definitely reject Ming. But still Kit was the first guy Ming liked and he was cute unlike Forth.

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