29. Quit smoking

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AN: Smoking causes Cancer...Smoking Kills ☠☠


       Ming walked around Forth's room with his hands crossed in front of his chest. He was looking curiously at every thing in the room. Last time when Ming had come to Forth's room, he was confused and nervous that he dint pay attention to anything other than Forth.

      Ming looked at the books stacked on the shelves. There were no comics or manga like he or Wayo had. There were only engineering and engineering related books. Ming frowned in disinterest and moved his eyes to the other shelf. It was full of one or the other electrical components or machine parts or wires, soldering iron, nuts, bolts, bread board etc. The table was clean and very organized unlike Ming's study table.

      "How boring", Ming muttered to himself.

      The only thing that caught Ming's interest in Forth's room was the guitar that lay in a corner of the room. Ming remembered the soothing voice he heard the previous day and smiled to himself.

       'Damn!! Even his voice is sexy enough to make me horny', Ming thought tapping his chest with a heavy sigh.

      He stood in front of Forth's dressing table and looked at it unamused. There were nothing much there, that would help one in grooming themselves.

      "Tsk..is he for real?', Ming thought again with another sigh.

       Ming was about to step away from the dressing table when something caught his eyes. He looked towards the door once and extended his hand towards it. He took the case and looked at it curiously with a mischievous smile. He opened the case and pulled out one to examine it closely.

     It was not like Ming was innocent or he hadn't tried anything, it was just Forth looked too hot that he wanted to check it out once. Just like every other teenager Ming had tried smoking once when he was in junior high school. But he dint like the smell or taste so he dint continue it further.

     Ming placed a cigarette in between his lips and looked at himself in the mirror. He leaned his back a little and shoved his left hand into his pant pocket. He crooked his shoulders slightly, turned half right and looked into the mirror trying to imitate the posture Forth always exhibited whenever he leaned against something to smoke. He pulled away the cigarette with his right hand forefinger and middle finger and blew a puff of empty air. He chuckled at himself and looked at the dressing table curiously.

      Ming looked towards the door again and reached for the lighter. He placed the cigarette in between his lips again and brought the lighter near the other end of it. He flicked the lighter and brought it closer when the room door clicked open.

      Ming jolted in shock and threw the lighter away in reflex. He shoved the cigarette in his pant pocket and cleared his throat once before looking at Forth who stood frozen near the door. Ming felt cold sweat start to form on his forehead and nape.

       The handsome face which always had a soft smile whenever he met with Forth, was looking cold and distant now which could only mean that he had been caught red handed. Forth closed the door behind him and placed the take out lunch boxes on the kitchen counter. He turned towards Ming leaning against the counter top and crossed his arms across his chest. Ming gulped as the sweat had started dripping down his face. He took deep breaths and tried to calm himself down.

     'Why am I this scared now? It's not like P'Forth doesn't smoke..its his cigarette by the way', Ming thought scoffing.

     "Care to explain what you were doing?", Forth asked in the usual cold tone which always scared him.

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