16. Claimed publicly!

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       Ming walked along the hallway and exited his building with his friends. He just finished his circuits class and his next class was half an hour later only. They reached the canteen and walked to the stalls to buy something to drink when Ming noticed Forth sitting alone a few tables away writing something. His face broke into a wide smile and he pushed his friends aside to reach the counter first.

      "Oiii what's the hurry?", Green asked slapping Ming's arm.

      "One lemon soda and one chocolate milk shake", Ming placed his order ignoring his friends.

     "It will take five minutes", the girl at the stall smiled sweetly.

     Ming nodded and paid for his drinks. He turned around to go towards Forth while his friends blocked his way.

    "What?", Ming asked annoyed.

    "Where are you going?", Green asked narrowing his eyes at Ming.

    "I will tell you later", Ming said impatiently and tried to walk away only to be stopped by his friends again.

    "Tell us what you are up to and we will leave you alone", Mork smiled with a shrug.

    "You disappear everyday for sometime. We need to know what is going. And dont even think about denying because we have already seen the pictures", Green said glaring at Ming.

    "What pictures?", Ming asked faking innocence.

   His friends looked at each other and Green pulled out his phone. He opened his social media and showed it to Ming. Ming already knew what his friends were talking about. There were pictures of Forth and him going around on university gossip page. 

   It started with the pictures taken when Forth dragged him out of the college during their date to racing field. From then the pictures dint seem to stop at all. Whenever they met, a photo would be posted at the gossip page with various hash tags. Soon they were being shipped together by many. 

   Being an active person in social media, Ming saw all those pictures and he just saved them to his personal folder happily. As far Wayo, when he questioned Ming about the pictures, Ming just lied through his teeth that the pictures were taken on different occasions whenever Ming went to get help from Forth regarding robotics club or his labs and people just misunderstood. 

    "Now...tell us...are you two dating?", Green asked seriously and Ming shook his head.

    "Is P'Forth courting you?", Mork asked and Ming shook his head again.

    "Are you courting P'Forth?", Green asked wide eyed and yet again Ming shook his head with a chuckle.

    "Then what the hell are you two doing?", Mork asked irritated.

    "Hmmmm..", Ming thought a while and smiled widely, "Its called Innocent Flirting", with that Ming dashed past his friends before they could stop him. 

    "What was what?", Green asked confused.

    "Innocent Flirting. Is that possible?", Mork asked Green.

    "What?", Green asked still puzzled.

    "Flirting innocently. Is that possible?", Mork asked looking at Ming who reached near Forth and stopped few steps behind Forth. 

    "I dont know. But I know one thing for sure", Green paused with a sigh, "They both are definitely not innocent", he said as they watched Ming starting to tiptoe silently and close the distance between him and Forth. 

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