3. Forth! NO!

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      Forth placed a bundle of papers on the table and sat next to Sharp.

      "Hey man, what's all this?", Sharp asked curiously.

     "Papers regarding the robotics club that Lam wanted to start in our faculty", Forth slid those papers towards Lam who looked surprised at Forth.

     "Really? Are we really gonna start robotics club here? Seriously Forth?", Lam asked excited.

    He jumped from his seat and hugged Forth tightly, "Thanks bro", Lam smiled happily.

    "Now my work is done with this. You better don't ruin anything and develop the club further. I will help you whenever necessary", Forth tapped on Lam's head and Lam nodded fast.

    "I am going to buy myself a drink. Anyone needs anything?", Forth asked everyone at the table.

"Iced Tea", Sharp asked while Lam and Jay just shook their heads indicating they dint want anything.

      Forth queued at the drink stall and bought iced tea for Sharp and Lemon soda for himself.

     "Seriously? Unbelievable!", Jay exclaimed when Forth placed the drinks on the table and sat next to Jay while Sharp sat next to Lam listening intently to whatever Lam was saying.

     "Yeah right. I was surprised too when I heard about this.", Lam said with concern.

     Forth unlocked his phone and browsed through his social media sipping his drink slowly.

    "Ai'Forth, did Ming say anything to you?", Lam tapped on Forth's arm looking curious.

     Forth averted his gaze from phone and looked at Lam on hearing Ming's name.

     "Did he say anything yesterday when you had dinner together? Did you have dinner with him yesterday?", Lam asked again.

     Forth nodded but he was not sure what Lam was asking about.

    "What do you want to know?", Forth asked, "If its anything related to you guys gossiping about our Nong, then I am not interested at all. Don't you have anything productive to do?", Forth asked in a stern voice.

     "Oh come on, we are just worried about him. He is our moon after all. Seeing him so lost all the time makes me feel bad", Jay said and Sharp nodded in acknowledgement.

    Forth looked puzzled. He remembered Ming's troubled face from last night. But he thought it was probably Ming being tired or stressed out because of the campus moon activities.

    "What happened? Is it something serious?", Forth asked looking at his friends.

    "You don't know?", Sharp gasped in surprise.

    Forth shook his head still looking puzzled.

    "Well, seems that Ming was chasing after Kit from medical faculty and got rejected recently", Lam said what he had heard from others.

    "Kit? Pha's friend?", Forth was surprised, "That kitten? Wowww...", Forth exclaimed amused.

   "Look who is interested in gossip now!", Jay smirked at Forth.

    "Shut up", Forth glared and turned to Lam again, "When did this happen?".

    Lam shrugged shaking his head, "I don't know. Just heard what happened", Lam said, "You dint know? I thought you would have noticed something during the moon practice".

    Forth shook his head, "No. I mean, just yesterday I saw his ex-girlfriend throwing herself all over Ming during photo shoot and now you say he got rejected".

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