27. Stay sober!

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AN: Warning :18+. The chapter contains mature content. Proceed at your own risk or skip the chapter if uninterested.


      Forth pushed open the door and entered inside his room. He kicked off his shoes and removed his socks before turning around to look at Ming. Ming was standing near the door, looking at his feet and fidgeting on his shirt nervously.

     "Come in", Forth ordered in his deep voice making Ming tremble more.

     Ming stepped inside Forth's room slowly trying to calm down his breathing. He closed the door and turned around to find Forth extremely close, trapping him between his arms against the door. Ming held his breath and edged against the door further as if it would help him in creating a distance between him and Forth.

     "Are you drunk?", Forth asked looking deep into Ming's eyes.

     Ming gulped timidly and shook his head. He was not drunk. In fact, he had not even touched the bottle today. He was enjoying the time with Forth the whole evening. At the bar too it was so comforting to be snuggled against Forth that he dint even get the urge or need to drink. Forth was intoxicating enough for him.

      Forth looked at Ming doubtfully, "Are you sure?", he asked again.

     Ming nodded fast, "I dint drink at all today", he said in a low whisper.

     Forth's lips moved slowly forming a faint smile which made Ming more nervous. He had not seen such smile on Forth's face till now. It was dangerous and...seductive.

     "Good..", Forth moved his right hand and trailed his index finger on Ming's chin, "I want you to stay sober and remember every detail of what I do to you tonight".

     Ming's eyes widened and he swallowed hard as his fear turned into anticipation.

      "I..I thought you were angry with me", Ming stuttered.

      "I was controlling myself not to bend you over and fuck you in public", Forth hissed looking at Ming's lips.

     Ming lowered his eyes from Forth as he felt his cheeks burning in shyness.

     "Ready?", Forth asked smirking.

     Ming nodded and next moment Forth grabbed Ming's nape and kissed him hard. Ming stood bewildered for few seconds unable to comprehend anything. It was too sudden and unexpected but very much satisfying. Ming closed his eyes and pulled Forth closer by his collar. Forth slid his left hand around Ming's waist and tightened his grip leaving no room for even air to enter in between their bodies.

      Ming ran his fingers through Forth's hair grabbing a handful of them and pulling them roughly. He expected Forth to at least flinch by his move but Forth just smirked in between the kiss and pushed him roughly against door making his head bang against the door. Forth was careful enough to not hurt Ming but he was clever enough to move swiftly that Ming gasped in shock.

     Forth wasted no time in plunging his tongue deep into Ming's mouth as soon as his lips parted. Forth's tongue moved quickly and efficiently inside Ming's mouth. The kiss made Ming breathless and useless. Ming couldn't even reciprocate the kiss properly as Forth continued to dominate him every second. He tried to free himself at least a little but Forth held him in place with his strong hands and muscled body. Forth retreated his tongue a little and before Ming could use the opportunity to inhale some air, Forth tugged on Ming's lower lip and sucked it harshly.

      Within seconds Ming understood that the night was going to be Forth's show and he was going to be a willing participant in it. Forth pulled away from the kiss reluctantly and observed Ming's face. Ming was panting heavily with half lidded eyes and swollen lips. The view was too hot for Forth to stop himself that he dived in for one more kiss.

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