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Park Boa's POV

"Boa make sure you dress perfectly." My mom shouted from downstairs.

"Yes, mom!" I shouted back and looked inside my closet for some decent clothes.

Why would she want me to come with my parents?

I'm getting nervous.

What if she'll say to them that I bullied her in school?

Could that be the end of our family's company?

What have I done?

After changing, I went downstairs.

"Are you ready to go?" Mom asked and I nodded.

We all went inside the car as Dad was driving, my heart couldn't stop pounding.

"From what I heard, Ms. Seong studies at Seoul National University. I hope you two became good friends." Mom started to speak and I just laughed awkwardly.

When we arrived at the restaurant, I can't help but look around.

"This place looks very expensive," I mumbled to myself.

"Ms. Seong and her fiancée are waiting." The receptionist said as she lead us to a private room.

Fiancée? Does that mean Taehyung oppa is also here?!

When the receptionist opened the door, I saw Taehyung oppa seating beside Jaehwa. As soon as they saw us, they stood up and bowed.

"Ms. Seong, it's nice to see you again. Thank you for helping our company." Mom thanked her and she just smiled.

We sat down and our food came.

"By the way, this is our daughter Park Boa." Dad introduced me to her and I just looked and smiled awkwardly at her.

She looked back and slightly smirked.

"I heard your daughter goes to SNU as well." She said.

"Ah yes. By any chance, have you two met in school?" Mom asked.

"Yes." She answered. Taehyung oppa looked at her more like admiring her and smiled to himself.

I started to get nervous.

"I just heard that she is the school queenka." She stated. My parents looked at me. She's not gonna tell them the truth right?

"Which means, she bully weak people and acts like she has the authority over everyone." She continued talking.

I nervously look back at my parents and saw the disappointment on their faces.

"But don't worry, I think she'll change from now on." She said while smirking at me and Taehyung oppa only chuckled.

"By the way, Mr. Park. I heard that it was you who let Mr. Mok Seojun enter our company through Mr. Yoo's help." We all looked at him and he nervously fake coughed.

"Honey, what did you do?" Mom asked dad.

Kim Taehyung's POV


"Here I found something about the recent issue in your company. Maybe this could help." I handed her a file.

"What's this?" She asked. I signaled her to open it.

"How'd you know about Mok Seojun? How'd you get these files about him?" She asked again.

"I have my ways, Jae." I just chuckled as she went through the files before the Park family came.

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