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Kim Eunsung's POV

Noona fell asleep after crying for a few hours.

Luckily, mom and dad haven't arrived yet.

I let her sleep in one of our guest rooms.

I sighed.

Since when did hyung get engaged?

I dialed Jungkook hyung for help since I don't know where noona lives and I can't leave the house alone even if I know.


On call~

Me: Jungkook hyung.

Jungkook: Eunsung-ah is everything alright?

Me: Jaehwa noona is in here.

Jungkook: What!? What is she doing there? I'm on my way.

Call ended~

I made sure that noona is okay before leaving the guest room.

Ding~ Dong~

"That must be Jungkook hyung."

I opened the door and it is Jungkook hyung.

"Where is she?" He asked worriedly.

"In the guest room. She's fast asleep." I opened the door widely for him to enter and he followed me to the guest room.

"I'll leave you two for a while. I'll be in the living room." I said and he nodded.

Jeon Jungkook's POV

I went beside Jaehwa and caressed her face.

She's hurt.

Tae hyung what have you done?

I stayed by her side all the time.

Knock~ Knock~

"Hyung, I think you two should go. Mom and dad are on their way home. With Tae hyung and his fiancé." Eunsung said to me with sadness.

"Hyung, I don't like the idea of Tae hyung getting married to another girl. I know he loves Jaehwa noona but why does he have to marry another girl?" He complained.

"I know Eunsung-ah. Your Jaehwa noona is hurt upon hearing the news. Eunsung-ah let's try to cheer up noona okay?" I said comforting the younger one.

"We'll talk more soon, okay? I need to bring your noona home." I said as I carried Jaehwa in a bridal style.

Eunsung kept the door open for us to pass through.

"Thank you for being there for Jaehwa, Eunsung-ah." I thanked him again as soon as we were out.

"No problem hyung. Take care of her please." Eunsung begged and I nodded.

I placed Jaehwa on the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt before driving off to their home.

I sometimes take glances at her and think, how could Tae hyung do this to her?

When we arrived at their house, I rang the doorbell and hoped that someone would open the door.

"Oh." A guy looked surprised to see me but as soon as he saw Jaehwa, he started to worry.

"What happened to noona? Come inside." The boy welcomed us. He seemed familiar though.

"Chan, who's there?" Another guy showed up.

Is Jaehwa living with these boys?

"Jaehwa!" The other guys immediately rushed to me.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Where's her room?" I ignored the question and asked.

"This way." That Chan guy leads the way to her room. I placed her on her bed and tucked her.

We went back to the living room to see the other guy waiting for us.

"You're Jungkook right?" The other guy asked as soon as I sat down on one of the couches.

"You've seemed to forget me already. We met on Jaehwa's birthday a year ago. Joshua." He said.

"Oh I remember, then you must be that Lee Chan, Jaehwa's cousin." I pointed to Chan and he nodded.

"I'm sorry I forgot. We didn't get to talk much at her birthday last year and that was the only time we met." I explained.

"No, it's okay." Joshua hyung chuckled.

"So what happened?" He asked.

"Did you guys know that Tae hyung left three days after her birthday?" I asked them.

"Taehyung? You mean that guy who has feelings for Jaehwa?" He asked and I nodded.

"Jaehwa waited for him and now that he is back but with someone," I said.


"He brought his fiancé," I answered.

"What!?" The both of them looked shocked.

"Where is he?!" Joshua hyung seemed to be mad as his fists clenched.

"Hyung, calm down," I said and Chan also helped his hyung calming down.

"By the way, I haven't seen auntie and uncle in a while where are they?" I tried to change the topic by asking another question.

"Oh, auntie and uncle gave this house to Jaehwa and they moved to the countryside. They said they want to enjoy living in a place where there are no hassles." Chan explained.

"So does that mean, she'll be alone here?" That's so lonely.

"Nope, we're gonna live here too. But since we're trainees. Time would come wherein we'll be always staying at our dorm and our groupmates having practices." Joshua hyung explained and I nodded.

I looked at the time and realized I have to go to Namjoon hyung's house.

"I need to go now." I stood up.

"Thank you for bringing Jaehwa home safe." Joshua hyung thanked me as I opened the door.

"No problem. See you guys again!" I closed the door and immediately went inside my car and drove to Namjoon hyung's house.

Jimin told me that everyone would be there except for Taehyung and that fiancé of his.

I sighed as I remembered what happened at the cafe hours ago.

Ding~ Dong~

It was Aecha noona who opened the door.

"Jungkook is here!" She shouted.

I went inside and saw them gathered in the living room. I took a seat beside Jimin hyung.

"Good now that Jungkook is here. Let's talk about it." Namjoon hyung said and everyone nodded.

"So tell us who is this Taehyung and what's the deal between him and Jaehwa?" Aecha noona asked since she and Yumi noona doesn't know anything about him and Jaehwa.

"Jungkook." Namjoon hyung signaled me to explain it to them.

"Me, Tae hyung, and Jaehwa were childhood friends. But since Jaehwa got into an accident making her lose her memory about us. The three of us met again in our first year of college. She doesn't remember us but ai managed to be her friend. Taehyung bullies her till our graduating year. Jaehwa also disguised herself as a nerd in school. She got into another accident as Tae hyung and her got closer as time passes by making her retrieve her memories. She was in a coma for 10 months and didn't graduate with us since she missed a lot of lessons and exams. We surprised her on her birthday but Tae hyung left three days after, he didn't want Jaehwa to know. But I guess Eunsung, Tae hyung's younger brother told Jaehwa about his flight. They met and Tae hyung promised he'll be back. They even confessed to one another." I explained to them.

"That's a lot to understand but don't worry, it'll process in my mind soon." Yumi noona joked making us all laugh.

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