Quarry life

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My name is Arielle, Arielle Grimes. Right now, I'm living the life... In a fucking zombie apocolypse.

Okay so now I'll fill you in.

About a month ago some mutated virus thing came about which lead the victims who were infected to die and literally come back to life. You get infected by getting bit or scratched by another geek. Crazy right ? Well now this nutty epidemic has driven me from my nice warm house with my Dad Rick, my Mom Lori and my baby brother Carl, between you and me Carl's 12 but he'll always be my BABY brother, to living at a quarry with a mismatch bunch of people.

I'll introduce them on behalf, firstly of course is Mum, Carl, myself and Shane my dad's best friend.
Then we have the sweet old man Dale who plays Grandfather, he's a package deal with 2 sisters he grouped with, Amy and Andrea. I'm really close Amy we're like sisters.
Next is ol' Glenny, I should've mentioned him earlier cause this guy, he's been my best friend since kindergarten and I love the kid. Ha, kid, he's older than me.
Anyway, then we have T-Dog, Mr Theodore Douglas. Yeah don't tell him I told ya, he'll kill me. He hates being called by his real name, I just call him T.We're pretty close too, his nickname for me... white girl. Mainly because when we first met I was wearing leggings and ugg boots. Ha, he's lucky I like him.
Then there's sweet lovely Jacqui and the odd but nice man Jim.
Oh and also a Spanish family Morales and Miranda and their 2 kids.
Finally we have the Peletier family, sweet kind timid Carol, cute shy adorable Sophia and Ed ugh, excuse me while I barf, what a poor excuse for a man little own human being. So that's the quarry famil... Well shit can't believe I almost forgot, ha !
The two most well known men in the camp. Sadly for the wrong reasons. Merle and Daryl Dixon. Well what can i say. People steer well away from those two, Daryl's known as the quiet but quick tempered hot head. While Merle's seen as the sly, drugged up, hitonanythingwithavaginaandtits man. Ah yes the 'tits', 'boobs', 'chesticals' whatever you call them he made it pretty clear he likes em, reaaaaaal big too *eyeroll*.

While the others dispise these two men I can honestly say, that their just being a bunch of ungrateful pricks. They're pretty much our food supply as the can foods went way to quick.

No matter how much I'm told to stay away from them... I don't, I can't, I mean Merle's a douchebag sometimes but I enjoy his smartass remarks, hey if it's the end of the world and some can make a joke of everything, I'll take it. Plus he doesn't act like he's got a stick up his ass. Unless Shane's around, but honestly everyones like that around Shane. And with Daryl, he doesn't talk much but he's 'mysterious' as Amy puts it and his blue eyes are just gorgeous.

Now this would be 'complete' if I had my dad, Rick Grimes. He was a cop and was shot on the job by some scumbag crims. He then was in a coma and Shane tried to get him from the hospital but then he said the power went out, the machines stopped and he uh... yeah didn't make it.

What pisses me off though is that I saw Shane making out with mom in her tent once. Shane's a good guy don't get me wrong I love the guy but he trys to be like my dad to much. It's awkward and annoying. I also hate how he tells me to stay away from the Dixon's because there 'dangerous' pfft, yeah they are if you provoke them. So I chat to them when Shane ain't around.

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