So unlike you...

151 8 3

I didn't have to do English I'm so happy well I won't be next week but oh well haha...

We ran and ran and ran, occasionally stopping to see the distance between us. For an old lady she was fast, that's for sure. But that wasn't what scared us, not really. It was more than long hard-looking wooden cane, she had neatly tucked under her armpit. I doubted that we would escape without severe damage done, if we didn't keep up our pace. Arvo was a couple feet behind her, rasping a bit. Goddam, he's almost as unfit as me!

"Keep up!" Jane commanded. She had let go of my hand, but that didn't stop her from bellowing at me whenever I 'fell behind'.

Honestly I was doing the best I can. I'm pretty fast, but only over short distances. Even with my breathe-every-time-you-take-a-step technique my engine was beginning to go dry. Soon enough, my slow-paced run had turned into a fast-pace jog, and I was getting even slower...

"Here." Jane grabbed my hand again, thrusting me forwards. I don't know if it was Jane's little boost, or just the pure fact that she had helped me (so unlike her...) but I somehow managed to maintain my stride.

"JUST WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" She barked. I almost forgot she was there...

I noticed Jane's pace increase, her shoulders tensing up a bit. She clutched onto her jacket with her other hand, hard, as if she would never let go.

"She won't catch us, okay?" I reassured her. I was actually getting worried.

"Well if you hurry up then maybe not," She snorted. Okay... Worrying over.

By this point we were at the far end of the playground, with very few options. Beside us lay two doors to two different buildings. Hmmm...

"Split up." Jane ordered, panicky.

"What?" But she had already bolted towards my left. Oh shit...

"OOH I'VE GOT ONE OF YOU NOW!" Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

She smiled, a sick crackling sound escaping from her lips. Or at least that's what I observed from a 5 foot distance.

It was round about then that mind finally connected to my brain. I began to bolt to the door on my right.

"Little..." I didn't hear that last bit. "ARVO, GET HER! I'LL DEAL WITH THE OTHER ONE..."

I don't know what she meant by getting 'dealt with'. I'm just glad it wasn't me.

But I didn't have time to worry about that. I slammed the door with my foot, in a bid to buy myself time. Arvo appeared moments later. He was no longer pathetically wheezing for air; his pace was swift, his sprinting was rapid. That would've been fine, if my own pace wasn't stationary.

"получать назад вот!" He barked. Wait what?

I so busy trying to (unsuccessfully) translate that in my head, that I didn't even realise that I had stopped. Or that Arvo was near. Or that he had the nerve to grab onto my arm, and try to drag me back out again. I think that's when my senses snapped back.

"Get OFF me!" I yelled, squirming and tugging.

"No..." he snidely replied, "...Cука."

"What - what did you say?" I demanded, and by the way he smirked, I'm guessing it wasn't exactly pleasant.

"Cука." He repeated again, his smile wider than ever. Why did he enjoy saying that word so much...?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared of Arvo, nor will I ever be but he was just... Creeping me out...

"I - I have the bag if you want it!" I surrendered. I don't know what came over me, to lie like this.

"No you don't!" He spat. I think I could see tears peaking out. "Just tell me; WHERE IS THE OTHER WOMAN?! WHERE DID SHE HIDE IT!"

Should I lie? I went through all the scenarios circling my head. Arvo was angry, that's for sure. No, not just 'angry'. There was rage seeping out onto his cheeks, turning them a bright red. My whole concept of him was beginning to change. I don't think he'd hit me or anything but... I don't know...

I instead used this opportunity to....

"Get back here!" Well, at least he was finally speaking English...

I turned a corner again, blindly running in hope that I would somehow lose him. I forced myself to sprint, feeling the burning in my heart from the pressure. I looked behind to see Arvo slowly fading into the distance. It wouldn't be long until I had him off my tracks....

"AHHH!" I fell to the floor, banging my head and knee. My vision became blurred, but not so much that I couldn't see Arvo gaining... Oh no...

"Hey, are you alright?" A voice asked. A very familiar voice.

"Urghh.... Urhhh." That was practically all I could say right now.

He pulled me up on my feet, where u finally regained my 20-20 sight. Arvo was dangerously close now. My natural instinct was to hide behind the boy, and well, just take it from there.

"Everything alright?" The boy asked Arvo, irritation and disgust clear in his tone.

"Yeah, yes - but the girl behind you, I need her..."

"Do you want to go with him?" The boy asked, and I realised his was talking to me.

I bowed my head down, shaking it too.

"Then no,' he sternly replied.

"Then I'll do it myself." And I again felt him grabbing me, only this time, I was too weak to resist.

"Get the fuck off her, man!" The boy demanded. Arvo tired again and I heard a punching sound, and a pathetic Arvo-like scream.

"Find, fine. I will leave her, but this isn't over. You and your little friend can run, but you can hide..." And think he ran off?

"Well, I guess what comes around goes around, right?" A voice quoted.

"Wait what?" Why is this guy quoting like Shakespeare or... I don't know.

"Don't you remember me?" He asked, with a cute smile.


Oh shit.


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