Chapter 50

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James's POV

So far, we have been sitting for five minutes in awkward silence, the gurgling of the jets the only thing we can hear.

I drape my arm back over Riley's shoulders after she took her spot next to me again. Jacob sat on the other side of the hot tub, staring at us. Well, checking out Riley was more like it. Almost everyone would think it was cute that my little brother had a crush on my girlfriend. Not me.

"You look hot Riley." Jacob says.

"That's it! Out!" I scream at him, pointing towards the house.

"You said I can stay for fifteen minutes!" He whines.

"Yeah that was before you hit on my girlfriend. Now out!" I order.

"I was just complimenting her." He argues.

"Too bad, out!" I repeat. He pouts, getting out of the hot tub and scurrying to the house. Riley gives me a shove.

"You didn't have to be so mean." She says.

"I get jealous." I confess. She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Jealous? Of your little brother?" She inquires.

"And maybe I wanted us to be alone." I tell her, slipping my arm around her shoulders again.

"Still not acceptable, but maybe I can let it slide." She tells me, placing her hands on my bare chest. She leans in quickly, making our lips connect together.

She pulls away after several minutes, resting her head on my chest. I wrap both arms around her, resting my chin on her head.

"Can we go inside?" She asks. "I'm getting tired."

"Of course." I whisper. I get out of the hot tub, and than lift Riley out.

"Aren't you going to put me down?" She asks.

"Or I can carry you." I reply.

"I like that idea too." She giggles. God, she's so adorable.

She wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I keep my hands on her hips and walk back to the house.


I lie in my bed, waiting for Riley to come back. She walks out of my bathroom and stands at the foot of the bed. I shift over, making more room for her. She climbs in.

"You alright?" I ask her.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She asks.

"Just making sure." I reply. I give her a kiss goodnight, but just as I pull away, she smashes her lips into mine again, kissing back hard. I was a bit taken back, but than start to kiss back.

It was rough. It was intense. It was amazing. I roll on my back, pulling her on top of me. Than I take control again, pinning her beneath me. My hands roam down her back, until I grasp the hem of her top. I pull up, trying to get it off of her. That's when she breaks up kiss.

"James...I-I...I mean...No...I..." She stammers.

"Riley, I am so sorry!" I apologize frantically, getting off of her. "I don't know what just came over me."

"It's fine." She says, sounding flustered.

"You can sleep somewhere else if you're uncomfortable now, or-"

"No, no. I'm fine." She replies. To confirm this, she cuddles into my chest, wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm fine." She repeats.

"If you say so." I sigh, slowly wrapping my arms around her.

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