Chapter 55

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James's POV

I will admit, Riley was doing a pretty good job at trying to get my parents to like her. Well, my dad at least. He's laughing at all her jokes, and seems to let go of the 'poor girl' image.

My mother on the other hand, sits with her lips pursed, and a displeased expression.

"James tells me that your getting married soon." Riley says sweetly to Jessica. Jessica smiles.

"Yes I am. Are you coming?" She asks.

"No, she isn't." Mom cuts in. "I already told you, James is going with Ashley, and that's that. No Riley whatsoever!"

"Oh, your the girlfriend that James asked to bring." Jessica says.

"Yes she is." I cut in.

"You can still come Riley, it's not to late-"

"No Jessica! For the last time, no! She is not coming!" Mom yells, practically flying over the table. It was silence, until Riley speaks up softly,

"Thank you, for the offer. But my sister is leaving Friday actually, and I am considering going with her. To live, actually."

This seems to bring joy in my mother's eyes as am almost scary smile emits on her face.

"Oh are you? Defiantly?" She asks.

"Well, I am considering it." Riley replies.

"What a shame." My mother practically sings.

I stare sadly down at my half eaten supper. I have lost my appetite at the thought of Riley going. That or being ashamed of being related to someone as cruel as my mother.


Riley's POV

"James, don't do this." I whine as he turns his back to me as we lie on his bed together after supper.

"Do what?" He mutters.

"Ignore me." I reply, wrapping my arms around him and attempting to turn him to face me. He stays still.

"So what? Your leaving me so what's the big deal?" He spats out.

"I never said I was leaving. I said u was considering it." I remind him.

"What's the difference?" He mutters.

"There's a big difference. I'm not defiantly going. I'm just thinking about it." I say softly. I hug my knees to my chest, looking solemnly at James. He turns to look at me.

"But thinking is going to turn into leaving. I just know it will." He sighs. I lie down, resting my head on his chest.

"I don't know what to do." I whisper.

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