Chapter 8

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Savannah's POV

"I mean, Audery Callisto, my idol Savvy. I was so happy and then he-"

I opened my locker and tried to drown my ears on the noise of cheerful students opening their lockers on a sweet Monday morning.

Note the sarcasm.

Plus, Kylie had been repeating this date and showing me her golden bracelet, engraved with silver stars with diamond ballerina shoes at the top.

I mean, I could recite the date like I went for it.

Which wasn't a bad thing if I'd been there.

But I wasn't there.

I slammed my locker  shut, unable to bear it anymore.

"Look Kylz, I get it, you had fun but can we save some frustration for tomorrow?"

She grinned and hugged me.

"Hey, if that's what you want then fine, okay?"

I grinned.


I turned and saw Devon.

"Let's go" I said, pulling Kylie with me and heading to class.

My first class was English and Kylie had gym.

I waved and went in.

I sat down and Devon plunked down on the empty seat beside me.

I ignored him, staring pointedly at the teacher.

The teacher, Ms Audrey, I think kept droning on and on.

I was a step away from forgiving Devon just so I didn't die from boredom.

"Okay class, we would be doing an assignment that is 60% of your grades.

You're gonna make groups of two and each write a composition of the other person."

We all groaned.

I mean, yay, another thing added to my list of things to do.

"so pair up with the person beside you."

I turned to the girl on my right but she was already facing the boy on her right.


I turned to meet Devon's smirking face.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi" I replied, having no choice.

"Okay so where are we gonna do the assignment."

I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You actually want to start?" He nodded.

"Yeah, today I don't think I'm busy."

"Your house?"

"Why not yours?"

"My brother is having a life interview today and I want us to work in peace. "

" Oh. Okay then. I'll pick you up. What class are you having now?"


"Want me to walk you to class."

"No. I'm good."

I turned and walked ahead.

"Hey Savannah."

I turned back, raising my eyebrow lightly.

"I didn't mean it."

Guess this was his way of saying sorry.

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