Chapter 55

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Savannah's POV

"Shut the hell up Asher." I groaned, smiling slightly at the dude.

Asher and I where colleagues. He was a male model, with dirty blonde hair that was streaked with pink, purple and green and he had dark gray eyes.

He was chiseled but more on the lean side. And he had the ego the size of a planet.

Other than that he was a very chill dude.

"Savannah lighten up, some girls would kill to spend a full day with me and you have a week. Seven whole days. You should be honoured."

I rolled my eyes at him.

The plane ride was fun. We'd decided to fly first class.

Jasmine and Debby where at the front.

Asher and I had to seat beside each other.

He was annoying but I didn't mind. He actually made the trip nice.

"You know, a hottie and absolute god like you should have had a girlfriend. Don't you think?" I teased.

He glared at me playfully then grinned, his lip ring and earrings glinting as he did that.

"Babe if that's your way of asking, I'm as single as a Pringle. Don't worry." He winked and I rolled my eyes at him.

I'd done that a lot in this trip.

My eyes went to my wrist. Ever since I'd realized it was Devon that owned that bracelet, I'd been wearing it.

I picked up my phone and went to my gallery to go through Devon's pics and videos with me.

I enjoyed watching them all, I felt myself smiling again as I watched our aquarium date.

"Wow, I cannot beat that." Asher teased and I grinned.

"Look at your eyes here. They're shinning. I haven't seen you look at anything like that in a year."

"You don't know me much." I tried to argue but he laughed.

"You're adorable sweetie. This year your eyes lost your sparkle. I thought it was because of your mum but now I see there is more. You wanna talk about it?"

I looked at his eyes.

I learnt how to read intentions after Kylie.

I sometimes remembered how I used to love her.

And how I put a bullet through her.

Then I washed away the guilt by reminding myself of my mum.

I shrugged and decided to talk to Asher. I mean, what could he do?

I decided to talk to him and he listened.

Who knew the jerk would be amazing at listening.

I told him our story, but removed all the gangs and family part.

I only told him about our dates and our stories.

"Well, I'm a guy and let me tell you something, we make stupid decisions."

I grinned. "Of course, we're talking about your gender here."

He tapped my chin and rolled his eyes

"Very funny. But when we really love a girl, we can do anything for her. And if his eyes are anything to go by, he loves you."

He handed me a picture.

In it I was holding the phone and smiling but Devon was looking at me.

We'd taken this in Nigeria.

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