Chapter 6

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   Savannah's POV

 I was laughing so hard, I could barley breathe.

Leo was really funny, I mean he didn't even try hard, I was just cracking up.

Devon was gripping the steering wheels so tight, his knuckles where turning white.

I mean, I had no idea he could be this grumpy.

Ever since Leo came, he has been acting really weird.

"What's wrong with Devon?" I whispered to Leo.

"I've been with him for sixteen years and I can't answer that. No one ever really knows what's wrong with Devon."

I glanced at him.

His white hair glimmered in the sun.

He was really cute and he had the body of a Greek god.

His eyes caught mine in the rearview mirror and I could see the pain in them before he masked it quickly.

Who had hurt him that badly?

 The car pulled up in a filled field.

There was a circular arena in it. I turned to Devon.

"Care to tell me what the match is then?" I asked.

"Well-" Leo started but Devon cut him short.

"Wait and see princessa"

I glared at him and he just shrugged and walked ahead with Leo while I half jogged to keep up with their strides.

The crowd was pushing past and it quickly felt really tight.

I struggled but as I was short compared to the people in the crowd, I took a wrong turn and lost Devon and Leo.


 I walked along, hoping to bump into them but I got lost more and came in front of a tent.

When I went in, I was appalled.

I saw different animals. Birds, snakes, bears, lions, tigers but the one that stumped me was a white wolf.

He was huge for a pup and had the prettiest blue eyes.

He stood up and wagged his tail at me.

"Hey there." I walked over and bent in front of the cage.

"What's your name?" He whined and I laughed.

"What about White Fangs? Its perfect for you, you know."

He scraped the edge of the cage. "You want to get out?"

I reached out to the handle.

"Hey! Who are you!"

I whipped around and met two men.

"I was just leaving" I said, standing up quickly.

The man who had spoken earlier grabbed my wrist and the other who seemed more like a teenager and had purple hair held my hand.

I struggled. "Let me go!"

"Not until you tell us what you know" purple yelled.

"I don't even know what you're talking about!" I yelled, grimacing cuz their grips really hurt me.

"Okay." Purple pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head. "1,2-"


I turned and saw Devon. "Let the girl go, she is with me"

"She was trespassing." "

I lost her. My fault. Not hers."


He raised his eyebrow. "Are you arguing with me Marcus?"

  "I'm sorry DP."


The two of them sped off at once. I turned to him

"thank you."

"What the hell is your problem?" He yelled.

"Me? I should be yelling at you. You left me behind!"

"Because you couldn't keep up. This is the reason I didnt want you here."

"You could have just said so. You've been acting like a frightful asshole since we left the cinema."

"I'm the asshole here? Please you feel you're better than everyone because your are a model and an actress. You deserve nothing given to you cuz you didn't earn anything. You have no fucking right to call me an asshole cuz all you are is a stuck up Barbie doll who only knows how to smile for the camera and read the fucking script!"

 Tears swam in my eyes but I held them back.

I gave him my best fake smile.

What he just said cut deep because loads of critics used the same words.

"Wow." Was all I said.

His eyes widened. "I didn't mean that"

I stormed out. I flagged down a taxi.

"Savannah wait."

I turned to face him. He looked sad and sorry.

"Fuck you" was all I could say before running into the taxi and slamming the door.

Devon's POV

Why the hell did I even say that. I walked over to where Leo had been waiting.

"Hey, where is she? Did you find her?" He asked.

"She left."


"Why the hell do you even care?"

He didn't even flinch from my outburst.

He was used to me.

I groaned, running my hands through my hair.

"Look man, we had an argument, that's all."

Leo looked at me, not saying anything.

"Have you started with what Da boss said you should?"

Should I tell Leo what the assignment was now?


"Yeah" was all I said.

The match started, wild animals brought to  tear themselves to shreds.

At the end of the match, the bidding for animals started.

The white wolf was brought out.

"Three thousand dollars!" I heard a woman call out.

The wolf raised his head and I saw his eyes.

They where the same color with mine.

"Eight hundred thousand dollars." I heard last.

"Two million dollars."

I called out and the arena became silent.

Leo looked at me, his eyebrow raised.

"You've not bought another  pet since your falcon died, what happened?"

I just shrugged.

"I like the wolf." I said before leaving to get my new pet.

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