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Sitting in the waiting area, she waited patiently for someone to come downstairs and escort her up for her interview. Busying herself to pass time, she flipped through her own portfolio of sketch designs hoping and praying the interviewer was impressed with what they seen. Exhaling softly, she looked up from her binder and around the lobby area. She had never seen anything like this before, the CHANEL headquarters just screamed luxury and she could not wait to join the team.

Hearing heels click against the marble floors, she turned her head to see a Karlae's assistant walking towards her with an iPad and stylus in her hand,"Patience Harper?"

"That would um— that would be me," Nervously Patience stammered over her words while frantically closing her portfolio binder and standing to her feet. She adjusted her pencil skirt then stuck her hand out for Julissa to shake,"You must be Ms. London?"

"No I'm Julissa, one of Ms. London's assistants," Julissa says giggling softly, waving off Patience's apology,"No, it's fine. I talked with you over the phone a few days ago, I got your interview set up with her."

"Oh okay, well thank you so much. It's good to finally put a name with a face. Nice to meet you, Julissa."

"Likewise Patience," Julissa shook her hand back with a smile. She nodded her head towards one of the elevators,"Come on, I'm gonna' escort you up to her office. She's waiting for you."

"Okay," Exhaling softly, Patience walked alongside Julissa towards the elevator. Making sure her phone was on silent, she dropped it in her purse and waited patiently for them to make it up to the fifth floor. "How long have you been working for Chanel?"

"Mm, about five years. I met the owner when the brand wasn't as big as it is now, she was just starting out at the time. It's been amazing watching the business expand though, it's literally about to become a household name veeery soon."

"Wow, you've been with her for five years?"

"Yup, five years." Smiling, Julissa nodded her head. "I love working for her too. Not only because this is an amazing company to work for period, but because she's a great person too. Everyone's able to contribute ideas, everyone has their freedom here, everyone's like a family here, it's just – it's great. It's really great. I promise you, if you get this job which you most likely will, you're gonna' love coming to work everyday, I swear."

"So it's that great working here?"

"It's just that great Patience, I'm telling you."

"Well, what about the flagship store? That's what I applied for, I seen the store was looking for employees since it's gonna' open up next month."

"Oh! Well, I'm not sure what it's gonna' be like working over there but I can imagine that it'll be just like working here except the obvious, we make sure everything's running smoothly over there and the store sells the merchandise."

"Right, okay."

"'s our stop," Finally making it to the fifth floor, Julissa stepped off of the elevator first with Patience right behind her. Along their walk to Karlae's office, Julissa showed Patience around a little bit before they made it to Karlae's office door. Before knocking Julissa turned to face Patience,"And I can tell how nervous you are. Listen, just calm down, take a few deep breaths, and be cool. You have nothing to worry about, you got this in the bag already."

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